Some sports that make you short

The influence of exercise on human height is a topic that has intrigued parents and health enthusiasts alike for generations. It is a well-known fact that physical activity plays a crucial role in a child's development, and many parents are keen on encouraging their children to engage in sports from a young age, with the hope that it will lead to optimal height growth. However, what many people might not realize is that not all sports are created equal when it comes to promoting height. In fact, some sports may even have the unintended consequence of stunting a child's growth. To delve deeper into this intriguing subject, let's explore the nuances in the article ahead.

Scientific studies have shown that if we exercise for at least one hour per day, growth hormone production will be three times greater in comparison with those who do not exercise. However, exercises or sports to increase height should be done in a proper way to achieve the best results. Some sports are not as good for height growth as we think.


Gymnastics is a physical exercise through the use of gym equipment and gym machines to release energy, help people own well-proportioned and firm bodies, and eliminate unnecessary flab. Nowadays, the expansion of gymnasiums is the most obvious evidence of the development of this exercise. Gymnastics is very good and should be done to improve health. However, not everyone can do gymnastics and if you do not do gymnastics properly, you will suffer serious consequences in the process of your height growth.

Gymnastics is one of the sports that are not good for height growth

Gymnastics is one of the sports that are not good for height growth

Doing gymnastics requires a lot of strength to lift and push gym machines or lift weights. For people with bones and joints that have not been growing fully, this will press down on articular cartilage, which makes it impossible to grow normally. Once the bones and joints cannot grow, the chances of getting taller are almost zero. As a result, experts recommend that people in puberty should not do gymnastics to protect their bones, joints, and height.

Marathon running

Jogging is considered a good sport for health and height growth. However, marathon running is not good for height growth. The distance for a marathon is up to 42,195 kilometers, which requires runners to spend a lot of energy.

The distance for a marathon is up to 42,195 kilometers, which requires runners to spend a lot of energy.

The distance for a marathon is up to 42,195 kilometers, which requires runners to spend a lot of energy.

According to a study by Swansea University (UK), after running a marathon, the runners will be 1 cm shorter than when they started because intense running causes the discs in the vertebrae to be compressed. Although this situation will end after a day it still affects the height growth. If the compression of the vertebrae is continuous for a long time, mineralizing the cartilage to form the bones for height growth will not take place in the best conditions. Moreover, when we lose too much energy from exercise, such as marathon running, our bodies are in a state of fatigue and our eating and resting will also be affected, thereby adversely affecting height growth.

Martial arts

Currently, many parents let their children study martial arts at an early age to enhance self-defense skills and improve health. However, they do not know that practicing martial arts early can greatly affect their children's height growth.

Martial arts training with high intensity will make children's bones harder and firmer. However, hard and firm bones for children under puberty make cartilage at the epiphyses grow less, thereby making the diaphyses shorter than those in children who do not practice martial arts or choose other sports.

Practicing martial arts at an early age can affect their children's height growth a lot.

Practicing martial arts at an early age can affect children's height growth a lot.

Children who practice martial arts often have to perform fast and strong moves and suffer impact with high intensity, and their bodies will also make adjustments to adapt to this. Specifically, the bones will tend to be thickened to withstand the pressure and grow in thickness rather than in length. For children practicing martial arts, the membranes of the bones use a lot of calcium to build up the outside of the bones. This makes the cartilages at the epiphyses deficient in calcium, which results in limitations in height growth.

Artistic figure skating

Artistic figure skating is a highly demanding sport that combines elements of athleticism, grace, and artistry on the ice. Skaters start their training at a young age and often dedicate countless hours to perfecting their routines. While the sport offers numerous physical and mental benefits, it can also present unique challenges related to growth and development, particularly in young skaters.

Professional ballet

The emphasis on maintaining a specific body type, coupled with the demands of perfecting intricate choreography, can influence the timing and pace of an individual's growth during their formative years. As a result, professional ballet dancers may experience variations in their height and physical development compared to peers who are not engaged in such intensive training.


The mechanical stress placed on the developing bones and joints of young lifters can affect the growth plates, which are areas of cartilage at the ends of long bones responsible for longitudinal growth. Overloading these growth plates with excessive weight or improper form may disrupt their normal development.


Diving is an exhilarating sport that combines grace, precision, and athleticism. However, it's worth noting that divers, particularly those involved in competitive diving, often face unique challenges related to their physical development and height.

The demands of diving, including practicing complex aerial maneuvers, perfecting entry techniques, and maintaining an impeccable form, require rigorous training from a young age. This intensive training regimen can lead to prolonged periods spent out of the water, especially on dry land practicing dives and perfecting techniques.

Extreme calisthenics

Extreme calisthenics, characterized by highly demanding bodyweight exercises and intense training regimens, can potentially have effects on growth, especially when undertaken without adequate supervision and proper attention to nutrition. This form of exercise often includes movements, such as advanced bodyweight exercises, static holds, and high-intensity interval training.

While calisthenics can offer numerous health benefits, the extreme nature of some routines may place additional stress on the body, particularly in adolescents and young individuals who are still growing.

In conclusion,

The preceding information has shed light on several physical activities that could potentially have a detrimental impact on the growth in height. Therefore, it is imperative that we exercise caution and discretion when engaging in these sports, moderating our participation levels and employing appropriate techniques. Even if we possess a fervent passion for these athletic pursuits, it is of utmost importance that we do not overindulge in them, as doing so may hinder our prospects of attaining greater height.

The overarching message to take away from this discourse revolves around the concept of balance. It is crucial to bear in mind that engaging in physical activity remains an essential component of holistic well-being, and the world of sports offers an array of advantages that extend far beyond merely affecting one's height. The choices we make in this regard, whether we are parents guiding the development of our children or individuals navigating our own fitness journeys, must be characterized by informed decision-making and mindfulness.

Therefore, if your child aspires to pursue a career in athletics, there is no need to be deterred by apprehensions about potential height restrictions. Rather, it is incumbent upon us to explore the plethora of opportunities that lie before us and seek counsel from experts to make judicious choices. Ultimately, the journey we embark upon in the realm of sports is not solely defined by how tall we stand; it is a remarkable odyssey that embodies determination, discipline, and passion, cultivating champions in every conceivable sense of the term.

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