The Average Height For A 5-Year-Old Kid

As parents, we all share a common concern: ensuring our children grow up healthy and thrive. Regardless of whether your children have a bit of baby chub or lean towards the slimmer side, or whether they're currently shorter or taller than their peers, it's only natural to wonder if they are progressing as they should. Monitoring your child's growth is an essential aspect of parenting, and when it comes to a 5-year-old, understanding the benchmarks for their average height becomes paramount. So, what exactly should you be keeping an eye out for? Let's delve into this topic further to provide you with the insights you need to ensure your child's healthy growth trajectory.

What is the average height for 5-year-old boys and girls?

Your children are growing slowly and may start to lean out a bit at this age until they reach puberty. The mean height for girls is 42.5 inches (107.9 centimeters) while for boys is 43 inches (109.2 centimeters) [1]. And they will grow about 2 to 3 inches (5 to 8 centimeters) in height.

Height percentile chart for 5-year-old boys




39.4 in. (100.3 cm)


39.9 in. (101.5 cm)


40.6 in. (103.2 cm)


41.7 in. (106 cm)


43 in. (109.2 cm)


44.2 in. (112.3 cm)


45.3 in. (115.1 cm)


45.9 in. (116.8 cm)

Height percentile chart for 5-year-old girls




39.1 in. (99.4 cm)


39.5 in. (100.4 cm)


40.1 in. (102 cm)


41.2 in. (104.8 cm)


42.5 in. (107.9 cm)


43.7 in. (111.2 cm)


45 in. (114.3 cm)


45.7 in. (116.1 cm)

How to increase height for 5-year-old kids?

The growth of every child is unique, influenced by a combination of genetic factors and the care they receive. As parents and caregivers, it is natural to wonder how we can support our 5-year-old children in reaching their full height potential. In this guide, we will explore effective strategies to promote healthy growth and development during this crucial stage of childhood.

Get proper nutrition

That said, nutrition is the most important non-genetic factor contributing to your kids’ growth [2]. And if feeding them foods that are scientifically proven to maximize growth, they will grow taller.

Make sure to select a variety of foods from the five food groups at every meal to acquire enough nutrients to grow.

  • Fruits and vegetables, like spinach, broccoli, potatoes, strawberries, apples, and blueberries.

  • Grains, like whole-wheat bread and pasta, or cereals.

  • Dairy products, like milk, yogurt, cheese, and even ice cream.

  • Lean proteins, like chicken, fish, and eggs.


Eat healthily and properly

Rather than focusing solely on increasing the quantity of food your children consume at each meal, consider placing a greater emphasis on the quality and frequency of their meals to ensure they receive optimal nutrition. Encourage them to maintain a balanced diet by consuming three wholesome main meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Additionally, incorporate two nutritious snacks between meals to help keep them satisfied and deter unhealthy snack choices. This approach not only promotes healthier eating habits but also aids in preventing the consumption of junk food.

Drink during the day

Ensuring an adequate intake of fluids is essential for promoting healthy growth in the body, much like consuming a balanced and nutritious diet. While water stands as the optimal choice, milk and fruit juices also contribute to this vital aspect. Maintaining proper hydration is especially crucial for children aged 4 to 8, who typically require around 5 cups of fluids daily. However, in situations where they engage in vigorous physical activity or when exposed to scorching temperatures, it becomes imperative to actively encourage them to increase their fluid intake.

Replace unhealthy foods

Overindulging in unhealthy foods, such as French fries, sweets, or soda, can hinder your children's ability to thrive and grow optimally.

  • Steer clear of salty foods, such as convenience meals and processed snacks, as they may contribute to calcium depletion and elevate the risk of osteoporosis in the future. It's important to note that the recommended maximum daily salt intake is a mere 3 grams, so opting for fresh ingredients with lower salt content is the wiser choice.
  • Reduce your children's sugar consumption from sources like canned juices, cupcakes, and jelly to safeguard their health against issues like excessive weight gain, obesity, and even diabetes. Be mindful to limit their daily sugar intake to no more than 6 teaspoons or 25 grams

Keep a healthy weight

During the formative years of childhood, typically around the age of five, children typically weigh between 34 to 50 pounds. However, it is crucial to be mindful of their dietary habits and not allow unrestricted eating, as neglecting their nutritional intake can lead to accelerated weight gain, potentially culminating in obesity. It's worth noting that obesity is a significant impediment to healthy growth, as it can render the skeletal structure fragile and weak, ultimately resulting in a loss of height


Get more vitamin D from the sun

When it comes to essential nutrients for fostering optimal height growth in children, vitamin D emerges as a critical player. Its pivotal role lies in facilitating the absorption of calcium, thereby promoting robust bone development. While incorporating vitamin D-rich foods into their diet is important, it's equally essential to encourage children to bask in the sun to naturally synthesize this vital nutrient. Depending on their skin type, it's advisable to expose kids to sunlight for approximately 30 to 60 minutes each day. However, exercise caution by avoiding excessive sun exposure, especially during midday hours, and remember to apply sunscreen and ensure they wear protective clothing.

Take vitamins for kids

If you have concerns about your children's nutrient intake, it's advisable to explore the option of incorporating multivitamins or dietary supplements into their regimen alongside a balanced diet. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriateness and potential side effects of the chosen product.

For further information, you can explore products like NuBest Tall Kids or Doctor Taller Kids to address your child's nutritional needs

Get plenty of rest

The importance of a good night's sleep cannot be overstated, especially for children. Sleep not only allows the body to recuperate from the day's activities but also triggers the release of growth hormones vital for physical development. For 5-year-olds, it is recommended that they receive between 10 to 13 hours of sleep each day to support their journey towards reaching their full height potential.

Stay active

Children at the age of five are naturally full of energy and enthusiasm. However, by actively encouraging them to participate in appropriate physical activities, we can facilitate their healthy growth and development. One effective method is incorporating hanging exercises into their routine, which can significantly contribute to the elongation of their spines. Additionally, swimming proves to be an excellent choice, as it engages their entire bodies and promotes overall fitness. Moreover, introducing them to cycling can further enhance their well-being and build strength. By nurturing these habits, we can ensure that our children not only enjoy their active childhood but also lay the foundation for a lifetime of good health and vitality.

Stretch daily

Stretching plays a crucial role in the healthy development of children's spines and the cultivation of good posture. However, considering your children are only five years old, it's advisable to introduce them to gentle and enjoyable stretching exercises. For instance, encourage them to stand on their tiptoes, extend their arms towards the sky, and reach for the stars. Alternatively, have them sit comfortably on the floor and reach out for their toes with their little arms. These simple stretches not only contribute to physical well-being but can also be a fun and engaging activity for your young ones.


Limit lazy time

In today's digital age, children often find themselves engrossed in tablet screens, either playing video games or watching cartoons. While these activities offer entertainment, they do little to promote physical activity and growth. It is imperative for parents to establish a structured schedule for their children's screen time, particularly during downtime. Encourage them to engage in a variety of physical activities that stimulate their entire bodies, rather than passively sitting indoors.

Practice good posture

One of the most effective methods for enhancing your children's immediate stature and promoting long-term well-being is by cultivating proper posture. This not only positively influences their overall health by reducing the likelihood of childhood and adult back problems but also contributes to an increased sense of confidence and self-assuredness. Some expert advice includes teaching your children to stand and walk with a book balanced on their heads, encouraging them to go barefoot whenever feasible, and ensuring that they have furniture that is suitable for their age and size. These practices align with medical recommendations to foster healthy growth and development.

See the doctor

Regular check-ups are of paramount importance when it comes to overseeing the overall well-being of your children. During these appointments, the physician plays a crucial role not only in confirming that their physical development is on track but also in identifying and mitigating any underlying issues that might impede their growth trajectory. Most notably, these medical professionals can provide valuable insights and recommendations aimed at promoting your children's optimal growth, facilitating their journey towards a taller and swifter stature.

To sum up,

Do you have a good grasp of the typical height range for a 5-year-old child? Have you considered whether your own son or daughter is progressing well in terms of their growth at this age? It's important to remember that children of this age are still in a phase of significant growth and development. Ensuring they adopt a healthy lifestyle now will contribute to their overall well-being and proper growth in the years ahead

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