& Recycling

The environment impacts all of us
At NuBest, we are dedicated to reducing and minimizing the impact of our activities and products on the environment. We firmly believe in the importance of adapting our lifestyles and making the necessary efforts to support the sustainability of our planet. This significant transformation is an ongoing process, leading us to adopt eco-friendly solutions that can create a substantial and tangible positive effect on the environment.
In this guide, we will elaborate on some of the actions we are presently undertaking, the challenges we are encountering, our future objectives, and ways you can contribute to our mission of improving the world for everyone.
Our current products packaging
The majority of our containers are made from polyethylene terephthalate (PETE). PETE is a thermoplastic polymer widely used in various products and applications globally. These containers offer several advantages, including strength, extended shelf life, and resistance to temperature fluctuations. These characteristics are crucial to ensuring the safety of our supplements and all our other products, from production to consumption.
The Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) has designated PETE with an SPI code 1, indicating that it is commonly recycled and accepted at most recycling centers worldwide. PETE is recognized as one of the most easily recyclable plastic polymers. PETE containers can typically undergo complete recycling and be transformed into new PETE containers. To gain a better understanding of the different SPI code numbers on similar containers, you can find more information about plastics and SPI codes by numbers here.
For certain products, we may utilize containers that are slightly larger in volume than the actual amount of product they hold. There are several reasons behind this practice. First, a larger canister may be required during the filling or production process to accommodate the product effectively. Second, the contents within the canister may settle after filling, necessitating additional space. Lastly, specific label regulations may mandate the use of slightly larger containers than would be ideal.
We are continuously exploring alternative container options to mitigate these aspects of the production cycle.
Our coming innovations
Currently, the majority of biodegradable and compostable containers we have identified typically have a shelf life of approximately 6 months. However, considering that some of our products boast a shelf life of 2-3 years, adopting such containers could result in a suboptimal experience for our customers and a notable decline in product quality and safety. Furthermore, compostable materials may also begin to degrade under specific conditions, including but not limited to: elevated humidity or moisture levels, high soil temperatures, and exposure to particular microorganisms.
Therefore, we are actively exploring sustainable packaging solutions that maintain product integrity and safety over their full shelf life while aligning with our commitment to environmental responsibility.
In the delivery process, our packages are frequently exposed to harsh climatic conditions, such as heat, humidity, or extreme cold weather. This is especially important to consider as our packages contain nutritional dietary supplements that our customers consume. Ensuring the quality and safety of our products remains our top priority.
To address these challenges, we are currently developing alternative packaging solutions that fall into one of two categories: utilizing a higher percentage of post-recycled materials, or enhancing recyclability to the point where these materials can be disposed of in any recycling processing facility.
Additionally, we are collaborating with partners to provide solutions in case a container is not recycled and ends up in places like parks or oceans. In such instances, we aim to ensure that the packaging will begin to biodegrade or degrade within one year. It's essential to note that this is an ongoing process, and we are dedicated to implementing sustainable improvements to our eco-friendly practices as soon as possible.
We are continually researching alternative solutions, including recyclable and post-recyclable bags for storing specific formulas. We actively seek improved packaging options. Our commitment is to keep evolving our packaging and sourcing methods, striking the right balance between maintaining the highest quality standards and advancing sustainability.
How you can help
Regarding all of our PETE containers, it's essential to recycle them once you've finished using them. Ensure they are placed in the appropriate recycling bin or, if possible, drop them off at a nearby grocery store or designated recycling drop-off points. In the United States, you can search here to find some of the closest drop-off locations available to you. Recycling processes may vary in different regions worldwide, but most countries now offer recycling options for PETE containers.
As responsible citizens and consumers, it's vital to understand that not everything can be recycled. We should aim to be mindful consumers and find ways to reuse the things we buy. By practicing responsible consumption, we can help push companies like NuBest to adopt greener options. For more recycling info, visit the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website.
An ongoing journey
As a company, we understand that our goal of helping the planet requires constant effort and progress from us and our partners. We know it's a long journey. As scientists learn more about how human activities impact the planet and as technology improves, we will keep making changes to our processes, products, and the way we affect communities.
Environmental responsibility is of paramount importance to us, and we are dedicated to making meaningful contributions while also raising awareness about our precious planet's vital needs.