How To Grow Taller at 16?

Your children are 16. Yes, this is a big deal to them. At this age, the difference in the term of physical growth among boys and girls is clearer. While girls are nearly done growing or beginning to slow down, boys are sometimes just getting started. So, how to grow taller at 16? Is it possible for both males and females? The blog post below will reveal the answer.

Your children are 16. Yes, this is a big deal to them, and even you, their parents. The difference in physical growth at age 16 among boys and girls is clearer. While girls are nearly done growing or beginning to slow down, boys are sometimes just getting started. The average height of a 16-year-old girl in the U.S. is about 5 feet 4 inches (162 centimeters), while boys tend to be around 5 feet 8 inches (173 centimeters).

So, can both boys and girls grow taller at 16? Let’s dive into what you can do to support that final stretch of growth.

Quick View: Discover our expertly curated NuBest height growth supplements for teenagers to support their growth journey effectively.

Can a 16-year-old get taller?

Once the growth plates in the bones close, a 16-year-old person cannot grow any taller. 

While most girls attain their full adult height between 14 and 16 years old, boys reach their final height potential two years later, between 16 and 18. Genes play a big role here, but a healthy diet, good sleep, supplements, better posture, and regular exercise can impact growth during these final years of development if the growth plates are open.

At 16, the right approach can still help you grow taller

At 16, the right approach can still help you grow taller

Let's See Tips on How To Grow Taller at 16

Follow a balanced diet

Most 16-year-old teens are still growing. That is why they need a balanced and nutritious diet to help build strong bones and muscles, which supports height growth.

Maintain a balanced diet to boost height effectively at 16

Maintain a balanced diet to boost height effectively at 16

What foods help grow taller at 16? Here’s an ideal diet.

  • Carbohydrates are the main energy source and take over half of calories. Select healthy carbs from high-carb vegetables, grains, fruits, dried fruits, and pulses, such as sweet potatoes, corn, brown rice, quinoa, oats, bananas, apples, dates, raisins, kidney beans, lentils, etc.
  • Protein is necessary to build and grow muscles and occupies about a quarter of calories. Good sources of protein include lean meat, poultry, eggs, seafood, legumes, soy, and low-fat and non-fat dairy products.
  • Calcium is needed to make teeth and bones stronger. Consume more milk, cheese, yogurt, tofu, canned salmon, cereal, and orange juice.
  • Vitamin D plays a key role in supporting the body in absorbing calcium. Modest amounts of this nutrient can be found in mushrooms, alfalfa, milk, and cereals.
  • Zinc helps with overall growth and sexual maturation, but a lack of zinc stunts growth in boys. You can easily get zinc from oysters, poultry, red meat, crab, beans, nuts, whole grains, breakfast cereals, and dairy products. 
  • Healthy fats also help with overall development and support the body in absorbing vitamins and minerals. Choose healthy fats from vegetable oils, nuts, fatty fish, olives, and avocados.
Vitamin D3 in eggs effectively supports height growth

Vitamin D3 in eggs effectively supports height growth

Do eggs increase growth hormone?

Studies demonstrate that eggs can increase growth hormone levels and lower stunting by 47% in young children. Eggs are rich in protein, iron, omega-3 fat, and vitamins A, D, and B12, which might offer so many health benefits to your child.

Does vitamin D3 make you taller at 16?

Vitamin D3 is an essential nutrient for height development in 16-year-old teenagers whose growth plates have not fused completely, for the vitamin improves calcium absorption and supports bone health. It is easy to get vitamin D3 from sunlight, foods (fatty fish, eggs, beef liver, breakfast cereals, red meat), and vitamin D supplements.

Watering the body: Does water make you taller?

Water itself does not make you taller, but it plays a vital role in supporting overall height growth. Staying hydrated helps your body absorb essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, and minerals, which are crucial for bone development and growth. Proper hydration also ensures that your cells function effectively, which can contribute to optimal physical development during childhood and adolescence.

How much water should a 16-year-old drink?

For ages 14 to 18, the suggested water intake is between 64 and 88 ounces, or 8 to 11 cups.

Teens should drink 2-3 liters of water daily

Teenagers should drink 2-3 liters of water daily to support height growth

Considering height growth supplements

The food your children eat is vital to growing and staying healthy. But in some cases, food cannot give them enough nutrients. That is why you should add supplements to their diet to meet the requirements.

Supplements range from vitamins, herbs, and even synthetic growth hormones that might increase height by a few inches. However, since these products are present everywhere but not as tightly regulated by the FDA, you should consider your doctor’s advice before using them.

NuBest Height Growth Supplement Use Case and Customer Review

Jackie R., a mom from the United States, tested NuBest height growth vitamins for her teen son. After a couple of months, she happily shared in one review, “My son has truly grown taller, has stronger bones, and overall better health. This dietary supplement is made with natural, high-quality ingredients that are safe and effective.”

Stretching the whole body: Can I grow taller with stretching?

Stretching a single part of the body is necessary to keep your body in good shape and help you grow taller. Yes, stretching improves the spine flexibility, heightens the spinal muscles, and lengthens the leg muscles. Make sure to do stretches constantly and rigorously to acquire health benefits.

Also, try to be active as much as possible by doing yoga or hanging on a bar whenever you have time. Or you should start engaging in activities, like swimming, basketball, walking, or cycling.

Stretching is key to staying fit and boosting height growth

Stretching is key to staying fit and boosting height growth

Absorbing vitamin D from sunlight

Many of us do not get enough vitamin D as an essential nutrient.

But did you know sunlight can help fix that? When your skin is exposed to the sun, the body produces vitamin D from cholesterol.

So, what should you do? It is suggested that you wear a tank top and shorts, skip sunscreen for 10-30 minutes (depending on your skin's sensitivity), and then apply it before your skin starts burning. Also, wear sunglasses and a hat to protect your eyes and face.

Vitamin D is essential for bone growth and health
Vitamin D is essential for bone growth and health

Can vitamin D increase height?

Vitamin D is necessary for supporting bone growth and health, but the vitamin alone does not increase your height directly. Make sure you get good nutrition with other essential nutrients for growth like protein, calcium, zinc, etc.

Sleeping properly: Does sleep deprivation affect height?

Not getting an adequate amount of sleep might contribute to height growth problems because human growth hormone is generally secreted when sleeping, but this is the case. If your children get too little sleep regularly, which is known as sleep deprivation, this leads to growth hormone deficiency.

How many hours of sleep is good for growth when I'm 16?

Teens at age 16 are advised to sleep between 8 and 10 hours every night to stimulate the production of growth hormones and allow the body to relax and grow.

The amount of time most people sleep between 7 and 9 hours

The amount of time most people sleep between 7 and 9 hours

Getting rid of bad habits: What can stunt height growth?

These are the habits that could stunt height growth: 

  • Nicotine, which makes smokers feel good and energetic in a short period, can affect growth hormone production. Smoking frequently boosts the amount of carbon dioxide in the body, which blocks the supply of oxygen through the cells and body tissues.
  • Drinking alcohol regularly at a young age can interfere with growth hormone production, keeping you from reaching your peak height.
  • Stress is another factor, i.e. high stress levels increase cortisol, a hormone that can block the production of growth hormones, making it harder for you to grow.
  • Although there is no evidence relating to caffeine consumption and growth stunning, drinking coffee too late may keep you awake for a long time, and you cannot sleep on time.

Controlling body weight: Does body weight affect height growth?

Gaining weight to the point of obesity might lead to health problems. With an extra body weight, gravity may press the intervertebral discs and leave you with a short frame. Moreover, if the body weight continues increasing, it puts extra pressure on the bones and joints, making you appear shorter.

Healthy Weight: Key to Height Growth

Healthy Weight: Key to Height Growth

Is there a correlation between height and body weight?

Yes, there is a correlation between height and body weight. That means a taller teen tends to weigh more than a shorter one. However, this relationship also depends on several factors, including gender, muscle mass, body composition, and overall health.

Avoid consuming too much salt and sugar

Salt and sugar are vital spices in cooking, but overusing them may stunt your average adult height.

Limit salt and sugar intake for better height growth at 16

Limit salt and sugar intake for better height growth at 16

Does sugar affect height growth?

Consuming too many sugary foods can limit height growth. When the stomach is full of sugar, it leaves little room for nutritious foods for proper growth. The recommended daily sugar intake for teens is no more than 6 teaspoons (25 g) to maintain healthy development.

Does salt affect height?

The body needs a small amount of salt for various functions, but too much salt can affect height and bone growth as it leads to calcium loss. Excessive salt intake also increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. The recommended daily salt intake for teens is less than 1 teaspoon (6 g).

Maintaining good posture

Text neck, hunched shoulders, and curved spine may make you appear shorter than your actual height. And if you continue maintaining these changes in posture, the curves will change to adapt to your new one, causing pain in the neck and back. 

So, when you have to sit all day long in front of the computer, put a pillow on the back to correct the posture. Or when scrolling through your phone or iPad, remember to take a break and check your posture. Or do some exercises to improve your posture.

Good posture plays a key role in height growth

Good posture plays a key role in height growth

Will good posture increase height?

Good posture can make you look taller by aligning your spine properly. Meanwhile, poor posture can make you look shorter by rounding your spine and slouching your shoulder.

Dressing smartly

Putting on fitted and properly sized clothes helps focus on the lines of the body. Wearing baggy clothes may make you look shorter and smaller, so this style is not recommended for everyone. If you want to look tall and slim, darker shades like dark blue, forest green, and black can be a nice choice. Clothes with vertical stripes are also a good way to make you appear taller.

Choose the right outfit to appear taller

Choose the right outfit to appear taller


Age 16 is a crucial time for maximizing growth potential. While genetic factors largely determine your teen's height, you should encourage them to focus on key factors like a healthy lifestyle, and good habits, and avoid anything that could stunt their growth, giving them the best chance to grow. Remember, it is not just about getting taller—it is about nurturing their overall health and well-being.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Taller at 16

What is the average height of a 16-year-old teen?

Girls, on average, start puberty around ages 10 to 11 and end puberty around 15 to 17. That means their height at 16 does not increase much. And 64 inches (162.5 centimeters) is their mean height at this age. Meanwhile, boys often start puberty later than girls. That is why they might be shorter at the beginning, but then they will become taller. And 68.3 inches (173.5 centimeters) are their mean height at 16.

The right approach can help you grow taller at 16

The right approach can help you grow taller at 16

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