Does Having Rickets Affect A Child’s Height?

Today, let’s talk about rickets – a common health condition from infancy to under 3 years old. How might this medical disorder affect a child’s height growth? What are the signs and symptoms to watch for? Join us to understand better!

What is rickets?

Rickets is a complex medical condition that predominantly impacts the developmental trajectory of bones in children, culminating in the manifestation of bones that are notably delicate, pliable, and contorted. This ailment stems from a deficiency in critical nutrients, namely vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate, all of which are indispensable for the preservation of optimal bone integrity.

The condition of rickets can be categorized into distinct types, contingent upon the root cause and the specific nutrient deficiency involved.

  1. Nutritional Rickets:

This form stands as the most prevalent variant of rickets and is primarily provoked by an insufficiency in either vitamin D, calcium, or a deficiency in both of these vital elements. Vitamin D plays an indispensable role in facilitating the absorption of calcium and phosphate from the dietary intake. In instances where vitamin D is insufficient, the body's capacity to mineralize bones is compromised, thereby resulting in the development of bones that are soft and weakened. This type is often linked to inadequate exposure to sunlight, an inadequately balanced diet deficient in vitamin D and calcium, or certain medical conditions that hinder the absorption or metabolism of vitamin D.

  1. Hypophosphatemic Rickets:

This particular variant is relatively rare and transpires due to diminished levels of phosphate within the bloodstream. Phosphate stands as yet another indispensable mineral requisite for proper bone mineralization, and its deficiency can precipitate inappropriate bone growth and mineralization. Hypophosphatemic rickets is usually hereditary and arises from an impairment in the body's ability to reabsorb this nutrient within the kidneys, resulting in its depletion within the bloodstream.

  1. Renal Rickets:

Renal rickets is primarily observed in children afflicted with chronic kidney disease. The kidneys perform a pivotal role in maintaining the body's mineral equilibrium, including the regulation of calcium and phosphate levels. When the kidneys become unable to adequately control these essential minerals, it can lead to aberrant bone growth, frailty, and deformations.

What are the causes of rickets in children?

Let’s check out some main causes that might contribute to the onset of rickets.


Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient vital for the absorption of calcium and phosphate from our diet. This crucial vitamin can be synthesized by the skin when exposed to sunlight and obtained from specific foods. Inadequate levels of vitamin D can arise due to various factors, including insufficient sunlight exposure, particularly in regions with limited sun or during seasons with reduced daylight hours. Furthermore, a diet lacking in foods rich in vitamin D can also contribute to a deficiency.

Inadequate calcium intake

Calcium is a vital mineral crucial for maintaining strong bones and proper mineralization. When a child's diet lacks sufficient calcium, the body may not have the necessary building blocks to establish and sustain strong bones. Consuming calcium-rich foods like dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified items is essential to support healthy bone development.

Lack of sunlight exposure

Sunlight serves as a natural source of vitamin D, as the skin synthesizes this nutrient when exposed to sunlight. Children who spend a significant amount of time indoors or have limited outdoor activities may not receive adequate sunlight exposure, leading to a deficiency in vitamin D and contributing to the development of conditions such as rickets.


Certain genetic mutations can impact the body's ability to use or metabolize vitamin D, resulting in impaired bone mineralization. One example of such a genetic condition is hypophosphatemic rickets, as mentioned earlier.

Certain medical conditions

Medical conditions, such as liver and kidney diseases, can disrupt the synthesis or activation of vitamin D in the body, leading to reduced levels of active vitamin D. This deficiency can hinder the absorption of calcium and phosphate, ultimately resulting in weakened and improperly mineralized bones.

How to recognize the symptoms of rickets?

Below are the key signs of rickets you should watch out for.

Delayed growth and development

Children with rickets may have a slower rate of growth compared to their peers, resulting in a noticeable lag in height and weight gain.

Bowing of the legs

The long bones in the legs, such as the femur and tibia, may become weakened and bend under the weight of the body. This can lead to a characteristic bow-legged appearance in affected children.

Deformities in the spine and ribcage

Rickets can also affect the spine and ribcage, contributing to deformities, like kyphosis (an abnormal forward curvature of the upper spine) or lordosis (an exaggerated inward curvature of the lower spine). Additionally, the ribcage may become distorted, causing a characteristic "pigeon chest" appearance.

Muscle weakness and pain

The weakened bones and improper bone mineralization can put additional strain on the muscles, resulting in discomfort and reduced physical activity.

Dental issues

Rickets can affect the development of teeth, leading to dental problems, such as delayed eruption of teeth, improper alignment, and an increased risk of cavities. Enamel defects and a higher susceptibility to tooth decay are also common.

Does having rickets affect a child’s height?

Yes, it does.

As mentioned at the beginning, rickets affects the long bones in the arms and legs. These bones have growth plates, which are areas of cartilage at the ends of the bones responsible for longitudinal growth. In a child with rickets, the lack of proper mineralization weakens the growth plates, preventing them from functioning effectively. As a result, the bones cannot grow at their optimal rate, leading to delayed or stunted height growth.


How is rickets treated?

The treatment of rickets involves a multifaceted approach aimed at addressing the root causes of nutrient deficiencies and fostering proper bone mineralization. The specific treatment regimen may vary depending on the severity of the condition and the particular nutrient deficiencies at play.

Vitamin D Supplements:

Vitamin D supplements are administered to elevate the body's vitamin D levels. This helps facilitate the absorption of calcium and phosphate from the diet, ultimately promoting the healthy mineralization of bones. The dosage and duration of vitamin D supplementation are determined based on factors such as the child's age, weight, and the severity of the vitamin D deficiency.

Calcium Supplements:

In conjunction with vitamin D, calcium supplements are vital for supporting bone health and mineralization. Calcium is a crucial mineral required for the formation and strengthening of bones. Combining calcium supplementation with vitamin D ensures that the absorbed calcium is effectively utilized for optimal bone development.

Phosphate Supplements (if necessary):

In cases of hypophosphatemic rickets, phosphate supplements may be prescribed to rectify the phosphate imbalance and promote proper bone mineralization.

Sunlight Exposure:

Encouraging regular exposure to sunlight is important, as it triggers the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin. However, it is essential to exercise caution to avoid excessive sun exposure and to apply appropriate sun protection measures to prevent sunburn.

Dietary Modifications:

Maintaining a well-balanced diet rich in vitamin D, calcium, and phosphate is critical for supporting overall bone health. Including foods such as fortified dairy products, fatty fish, eggs, and leafy greens in the diet ensures a steady supply of these essential nutrients.

Physical Therapy:

Physical therapy plays a significant role in the treatment of rickets. It involves targeted exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles surrounding the affected bones. Strengthening these muscles provides additional support to weakened bones, enhancing stability and reducing the risk of fractures. Activities like walking and gentle resistance training stimulate bone mineralization and support bone growth. Gradual incorporation of weight-bearing activities into the child's routine further enhances bone density over time.

In conclusion, the treatment of rickets encompasses a comprehensive approach that addresses nutrient deficiencies, promotes proper bone mineralization, and supports overall bone health. The specific treatment plan is tailored to each individual's unique needs and the severity of their condition.

As parents, what should you do?

If your child has rickets, it is crucial to work closely with healthcare professionals. They will help develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to their specific needs. With proper treatment and management, rickets can be effectively addressed, allowing children to grow and develop healthy bones and preventing further complications associated with the condition.

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