Can short parents have tall children?

Many short parents are extremely worried that their children will later be as small as them. Is genes a direct determinant of the height of the children? This issue will be reflected in the article below.

Is height genetic?

Hair color, eye color, skin color, build, dominant hand, etc., are some of the physical characteristics that parents can pass on to their kids. Also, scientists say that personality and behavior are genetic traits that can be inherited.

It stands to reason that a person’s height is also inherited from his/her parents. That’s why short parents often worry that their modest height will affect the height of their children in the future.

In fact, the genetics of both parents is not the only determinant of their children’s height. For instance, some parents are short, yet they might have tall genes from their relatives that did not appear in them. In this case, it’s called a recessive trait. If the recessive trait passed from parents to their children might become activated, the kids may become tall like some of their relatives


Can short parents have tall children?

Yes, short parents can possibly have a tall kid.

As mentioned above, genes are not the sole factor that is responsible for a person’s height. Although your physical attributes might come from your parents, if truth be told, other factors result in alterations, including nutrition, exercise, sleep routine, etc.

For instance, children who have a nutritional diet, proper care for their sleep, and a moderate exercise regimen can easily attain an outstanding height in the future.

Nowadays, in addition to intellectual capacity, height and appearance also play a very important role in career opportunities, happiness, and the future of each person.

Therefore, parents need to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge about how to take care of their children from now on. If they take proper methods, their children still have opportunities to become tall.

How can short parents help their children become tall?

In order to increase height for children, short parents should have a specific plan which combines the necessary factors below.


Among factors deciding height growth, nutrition plays a vital role. It goes without saying that height is good evidence of appropriate nutrition.


Nutrition for children's height growth should be paid attention to as soon as the mothers are pregnant. They need to eat calcium-rich foods such as seafood, spinach, beans, kale, broccoli, etc. to promote the development of fetal bones and help born babies have solid and flexible skeletons, creating a premise for later height growth.

In addition to calcium, mothers also need to care about the content of nutrients beneficial to height growth like collagen, phosphorus, and magnesium. Diets need to be diversified to stimulate their appetite.

Also, parents should pay attention to nutrition throughout the development of their kids, especially the period from 0 to 3 years old, puberty from 12 to 17 years old (female), and 13 to 18 years old (male).


Children need to exercise and play sports to become more agile and dynamic. In particular, doing exercises and playing sports every day helps the joints become more flexible and stimulate the process of growth hormone secretion effectively, thereby facilitating height growth.

Additionally, exposure to the sun does help children to improve the levels of vitamin D in their body that helps to absorb more calcium in the bloodstream, improve strong muscular development and bone growth.


Such sports or exercises as basketball, volleyball, badminton, jogging, jumping, swimming, or pull-up are found to stretch the spine and improve growth hormone production within the body, effectively boosting bone sizes. 

Parents should encourage children to play one of the above sports for 1 to 2 hours per day. This will help them speed up their height despite their parents' short stature.


Scientific studies have shown that humans primarily grow taller during deep sleep. At that time, the growth hormone is secreted most, thereby stimulating the development of the joints and promoting height growth.

The period when the growth hormone is secreted most is from 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM.  Therefore, parents need to encourage children to go to bed before 10:00 PM to facilitate their height growth.

A comfortable and clean bedroom will also help children sleep deeply, which is very good for their height growth as well.

Living environment

An unclean environment can result in severe diseases such as diarrhea, dyspepsia, and other digestive disorders. Not only do they restrict the children’s development but also cause malabsorption syndrome that makes them lack necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

Since these factors make kids at a higher risk of having short stature in the future, parents need to create a clean and healthy living environment to unlock their best height potential.

In a nutshell

Above are specific steps that parents can take to assure that their children get the proper nutrition and environment to obtain complete and healthy genetic expression. As long as following these, you don’t have to worry about having modest height due to your parent’s short stature.

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