5 reasons why your bone growth can be stunted

Good bone growth is closely linked to rapid height increase. That is why height boosting foods are mostly expected to work for healthy bone growth, including growth supplements. A trusted, quality growth supplement is a great supply of materials for bone growth, from protein-building amino acids to calcium and vitamins, not to mention an array of benefits it brings to overall health. The problem is, some people become too dependent on height growth supplements that they overlook other important factors. Even a premium supplement will fail to give some extra inches without bearing in mind these following factors.

1. Poor sleep

A common problem for many teenagers is their sleep habit. They tend to stay up later and sleep less than they should. Lack of sleep has a direct impact on height growth among teenagers, in addition to other underlying health issues.

Adequate sleep enables the self-repair process of many parts in the body, including bone tissue. From minor damages in daily activities to severe injuries and fractures, bones have a mechanism of replacing damaged structure with new bone tissue. Researchers have discovered a link between lack of sleep and the decreased formation of bone tissue. It is also indicated that chronic sleep problems can contribute to the gradual decrease of bone density as well as the increased risks of osteoporosis when we age.

Children and teenagers are usually encouraged to go to sleep early before 11 P.M. for the highest amount of growth hormone secreted during a midnight. Now we have one more reason to cultivate good sleep habits: a sound night sleep is also an important key to healthy bone growth.

2. Unhealthy diet

Height growth supplements cannot replace balanced, nutritious meals daily. Regardless of how many nutrients you get from supplements, it cannot compensate for negative impacts on bone growth caused by an excessive consumption of unhealthy foods and drinks.



Unhealthy eating habits might stunt your bone growth.

Alcohol and salty foods are catalysts for calcium flushing. In addition to that, alcohol inhibits the synthesis of vitamin D, which is an essential element for calcium absorption and bone growth. People with alcoholism often have hormonal deficiencies due to higher levels of cortisol; for example, reduced testosterone levels in males are linked to lower activity of bone-forming cells.

Some studies show that caffeine consumption may lead to negative effects on calcium metabolism. A large intake of caffeine increases calcium loss in the urine, and thus reduces calcium absorption in the body. Gradually, having less calcium available will cause bone loss and, of course, hamper bone growth.

This explains why people should avoid getting too much alcohol, coffee and sodium-rich foods, like junk foods, if they want to make the best of their height growth supplements. Having foods rich in proteins, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin D and calcium, both animal-derived and plant-based, will ensure the optimal nutrition for bone growth alongside taking a height growth supplement.

3. Smoking

Smokers are often warned of many health risks from cigarettes, but it can be a surprise for them that their stature and bone growth are also affected.

Like alcohol, smoking does harm to bone growth in many aspects. Increases of cortisol in smokers will break the balance of hormones in the body, including estrogen that helps to build strong skeleton for both women and men. Besides reducing blood supply to bones, smoking hinders the absorption of vitamin D and calcium, causing higher risks of bone fractures. The bone-producing cells called osteoblasts are also damaged by nicotine, which slows bone growth and lowers bone mass.


Smoking can increase your risk of bone fractures.

Adolescents and young adults who want to grow taller by a few more inches yet find it challenging to quit smoking may have more motivation to try harder now!

4. Sedentary lifestyle

Staying physically active plays a vital role in keeping steady bone growth to minimize the risk of fractures. In contrast, sedentary behaviors have negative impacts on overall health as well as bone health. When dynamic forces are applied to some areas of the bone, it will adapt and strengthen itself. Bone formation is boosted by the response of bone to exercise, and bone loss can be prevented as well. Vigorous activities can make you prone to risks of injury, but moderate exercise will certainly do good for bone health rather than harm.

The key to healthy bone growth is to limit your screen time and go for physical activities. Height-boosting sports like swimming, yoga, basketball, etc. will be greatly helpful, but even short bursts of activity such as walking in the park, dancing around the house, or skipping also have a positive effect on bone wellness.

5. Closure of growth plates

All your efforts with height growth supplements may go to waste if your growth plates have already closed completely.

When epiphyseal plates (also known as growth plates) at the two ends of long bones completely harden and stop developing, bone growth also stops as well. Once your growth plates have turned into solid bones and closed, taking any calcium supplements cannot reverse the closure to boost your bone growth or your height by inches. The supplementation in this case only helps to supply nutrients for skeletal wellness and prevents osteoporosis; it is no longer effective for bone growth in length


You can't grow taller once your growth plates close completely.

Boosting bone growth to get taller is not just about taking a good height growth supplement. No product is a panacea for height increase or health concerns. Anyone who wishes to get some extra inches in height will need to:

• Make sure epiphyseal plates have not fused totally before buying any supplements advertised as “height boost”

• Go to bed early at night, and get enough sleep

• Maintain a balanced diet with nutritious foods that favor bone growth

• Stay active physically

• Have a healthy lifestyle. Minimize any factors that stunt bone growth, including fast food, alcohol, and smoking.

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