NuBest Tall, Powerful Growth Formula, For Children (5+) and Teens Who Don't Drink Milk Daily, 60 Capsules
Nutriție Premium

NuBest Tall, pentru copii (5+) și adolescenți care nu beau lapte zilnic, 60 de capsule

258,25 lei RON

Supliment de creștere pentru copii (5+) și adolescenți: Formulat cu Calciu și Colagen pentru o creștere puternică și sănătoasă a oaselor. Adăugat cu 5-HTP pentru funcționarea sănătoasă a creierului și ierburi prețioase pentru imunitate și sănătatea generală a copiilor și adolescenților în creștere.*

1 pachet
(258,25 lei/ea)
258,25 lei
2 pachete
(234,77 lei/ea)
469,55 lei
pachet de 4
(224,21 lei/ea)
896,84 lei
6 pachete
(219,12 lei/ea)
1.314,74 lei
pachet de 12
(215,21 lei/ea)
2.582,53 lei
Vă recomandăm cel puțin 6 luni de utilizare constantă împreună cu un stil de viață sănătos pentru rezultatele dorite. *
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Formula fara lactoza: Obținerea suficientă de calciu pentru creșterea oaselor poate fi dificilă pentru copiii cu alergie la lapte sau intoleranță la lactoză. Formula noastră avansată oferă o sursă excelentă de nutrienți care stimulează creșterea, venind sub formă activă pentru o absorbție și o biodisponibilitate îmbunătățite. Formula avansată îi ajută pe copii și adolescenți să-și satisfacă nevoile nutriționale de creștere, sporindu-le în același timp bunăstarea generală. *
Proprietary blend of precious herbs: NuBest Tall este ambalat cu o formulă integratoare care combină atât știința, cât și nutriția pentru beneficii sănătoase. Cel mai bun dintre toate, ierburile noastre funcționează armonios ca un impuls suplimentar pentru a îmbunătăți sistemul imunitar, sănătatea generală și bunăstarea copiilor și adolescenților în creștere. Un supliment remarcabil pentru ca tu să devii mai puternic și mai sănătos în anii tăi de aur de dezvoltare!*
Calcium: Calciul este elementul principal al oaselor în creștere. Menținerea unui aport adecvat de calciu poate crește concentrația de calciu și densitatea minerală osoasă. Fără îndoială, acest mineral este prezent în multe suplimente. Dar, spre deosebire de calciul normal din alte produse, calciul nostru oferă caracteristici mai remarcabile, deoarece este preparat pe baza tehnologiei avansate pentru o mai bună absorbție și utilizare biologică.*
Collagen Hydrolysate: Colagenul este cunoscut ca fiind cea mai abundentă proteină din organism. Împreună cu calciul, are un rol de jucat în formarea oaselor puternice și sănătoase. Stimulează nivelul de calciu, menține rezistența și flexibilitatea oaselor. Hidrolizatul nostru de colagen are o absorbție mai bună în organism.*
Reliable excellence: NuBest Tall este produs într-o unitate înregistrată de FDA situată în SUA, respectând standardele internaționale, inclusiv GMP. Produsul nostru este natural, fără OMG și fără gluten.
Banii inapoi garantat: Oferim fie un schimb gratuit de produse, fie o rambursare pentru clienți dacă au experiențe neplăcute cauzate de produse. Pentru detalii, faceți clic aici.


Nutriția este piatra de temelie a creșterii și dezvoltării corespunzătoare. NuBest Tall este formulat pentru copiii și adolescenții care nu primesc nutrienți esențiali din mesele lor zilnice, în special pentru cei care au intoleranță la lactoză. Conceput cu o formulă bogată în nutrienți, ingredientele NuBest Tall îi ajută pe cei pretențioși să umple golurile nutriționale, oferind organismelor în creștere nutrienți esențiali pentru a crește puternic și sănătos în timpul anilor de creștere.*

Pentru rezultatele dorite, vă recomandăm să luați NuBest Tall timp de cel puțin 6 luni împreună cu o alimentație sănătoasă, exerciții fizice regulate și somn adecvat (înainte de ora 23:00).*

What To Expect
First 30 days: The growing body absorbs the nutrients in the capsules. It's crucial to take the capsules every day with the recommended dose. Take NuBest Tall 30 minutes before meals, or one hour after meals for optimal absorption.*
2-6 months: Monitor your growth progress every month and continue to follow a healthy lifestyle. To maximize bone growth, immunity, energy levels, and overall health, take the capsules alongside a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.*
6 months+: Keep taking the capsules to maintain the effects and achieve better results. Consistent use throughout the growing years until the end of puberty may amplify the benefits, and support optimal growth and development.*
*Results may vary from person to person. The supplement is ineffective in the event of growth-related illnesses such as dwarfism, Turner syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, or celiac disease.
Ingredients: Calcium, Collagen Hydrolysate, Poria Mycelium Powder, Sea Cucumber (Marine Animal) Powder, Eucommia Bark Extract, Motherwort Leaf Powder, Velvet Deer Antler Powder, Polygonatum Root Powder, Sichuan Lovage Rhizome Powder, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract, and 5-Hydroxytryptophan (from Griffonia simplicifolia Seed Extract).
Other Ingredients: Gelatin (Capsule).
Directions: For children (5+) and teenagers who do not drink milk daily.
+ Ages 5 to 10: Take one (1) capsule twice daily about 30 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals.
+ Above 10 to teenagers: Take one (1) capsule three times daily about 30 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals.
* For the desired results, take NuBest Tall for at least 6 months along with healthy nutrition, regular exercise, and proper sleep (before 11 PM).*
* If your children cannot swallow the capsule, you can open up the capsule and mix the powder with milk, juice, smoothie or liquid foods such as porridge or soup.
Indications: Support natural bone growth and bone strength. For best results, NuBest Tall should be used alongside a healthy diet, regular exercise, and enough sleep (before 11:00 PM).*
Safety Information: Always consult with your doctor before starting any supplements.
Necesar pentru creșterea oaselor și dezvoltarea scheletului, joacă un rol important în coagularea sângelui, ajută mușchii să se contracte și reglează funcțiile nervoase normale. *
Vezi Cercetare
Helps make denser bones, slows the aging process that makes them brittle, and helps the body produce new bones.*
Vezi Cercetare
Used to fight off infections and illness to boost immunity, support the digestive system to absorb nutrients, and improve sleep quality and brain function.*
Vezi Cercetare
Rich in antioxidants and polyphenols which have been linked to a reduction in inflammation in the body and connected to a lower risk of chronic diseases.*
Vezi Cercetare
Helps improve flexibility, increases physical energy, and is used to help fortify the bones, ligaments, and tendons.*
Vezi Cercetare
Contains antioxidants, helps alleviate tension and irritability, and supports the digestive system.*
Vezi Cercetare
Ingredientele NuBest Tall includ calciu, colagen, extracte din plante și nutrienți vitali care ar putea sprijini creșterea oaselor, sănătatea imunitară, sănătatea generală și bunăstarea copiilor și adolescenților. *
Copiii de la 5 la 10 ani iau o (1) capsulă de două ori pe zi cu aproximativ 30 de minute înainte de masă sau la 1 oră după masă. Cei care au peste 10 ani iau o (1) capsulă de trei ori pe zi cu aproximativ 30 de minute înainte de masă sau la 1 oră după masă.
NuBest Tall Kids chewable tablets are stuffed with a variety of vitamins and minerals for kids from 2 to 9 years old. NuBest Tall delivers Calcium, Collagen, and herbs; this formula is designed for children (5+) and teens who cannot drink milk daily.*
Yes, you can take NuBest Tall with other multivitamins. But supplements that also include Calcium should be taken with caution alongside NuBest Tall to avoid overdose.*
NuBest Tall is recommended for children and teens who don’t drink milk daily. NuBest Tall 10+, meanwhile, is designed for those who drink milk daily. Also, NuBest Tall 10+ contains vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 to increase the absorption of Calcium while NuBest Tall does not include these vitamins.*
Genetics plays a vital role in determining a person’s height. But if you stick to a healthy lifestyle, including eating, exercising, and sleeping properly, this can increase your height. Also, taking our growth supplements can support bone growth, immunity and overall health.*
Our products do not contain any ingredient that is aimed to make users gain weight. However, because our supplements support not only bone growth but also overall wellness, they may promote nutrient absorption and metabolism in the body. The users, therefore, may have a better appetite and absorb nutrients from foods more effectively.*
Normally, it is recommended that you take one suitable product continuously for at least 6 months to support your growth. However, you can totally switch to another product for a couple of months to determine which one suits you better. However, the results may vary from person to person depending on nutrient absorption, diet, lifestyle, etc.
No, it is not since the capsules contain collagen and are made from gelatin. But our supplement is natural, non-GMO, and gluten-free.
Poor sleep patterns have been proven to be one of the reasons for stunted height growth. That’s why 5-HTP is added to enhance the quality of sleep and brain function.*
You can take two capsules during the daytime (after breakfast or lunch) because nutrients are well-absorbed during this time of the day. For optimal results, you should take it separately as recommended.* Please note that the product should not be taken around bedtime.
We have different supplements to serve kids and teens of various age groups, health conditions, nutritional needs, and eating habits.
Our supplements are made in the USA in an FDA-registered facility and certified by GMP for high quality and safety.*
Customers always receive products with long expiration dates of over two years.
Keep your bottle in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. Ideally, bottles should be stored at room temperature (around 750F – 770F), which is a reasonable reference for thermal exposure of products, according to the FDA.
Any NuBest products are manufactured in an FDA-registered facility. Since they are dietary supplements, they do not fall under the purview of the FDA.
Our advanced formula is fortified with Collagen to support strong, healthy bone growth. Collagen is known as the most abundant protein in the body. In bones, Collagen acts like a scaffold, giving bones strength and flexibility. Collagen also works in tandem with minerals to ensure the structural integrity and functionality of the skeletal system.*
The body takes time to absorb the nutrients in the capsules, so we recommend taking the products at least 3-6 months until the end of puberty to get the desired results.*
There have been hardly any reports of side effects so far. Our products do not contain HGH or any stimulants, so you can rest assured about their safety. However, if the user is taking medication, getting medical treatment, or has been diagnosed with an allergy to any ingredients in our products, please consult medical doctors carefully before use.*
If your children cannot swallow the capsule, you can open up the capsule and mix the powder with milk, juice, smoothie, or liquid foods like soup.
NuBest Tall is not a medicine. Our product is a dietary supplement, packed with Calcium, Collagen, and an an herbal blend for bone strength, immunity, and healthy growth for children and teens.*
NuBest Tall is soy-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, and non-GMO, so you can take NuBest Tall with confidence!
Our proprietary blend of herbs is added as an extra boost to enhance bone growth and immunity of the growing bodies.*
At the age of 12, your daughter can take NuBest Tall to support her bone growth, immune health, and development. For the desired results, please note that our supplement should be taken continuously at the recommended dosage for at least 3-6 months combined with proper nutrition, regular exercise, and adaquate sleep. Products are recommended to be taken until the end of puberty. The results may vary from person to person.*
Our growth capsules only work for children & teens whose growth plates (epiphyseal plates) are still open. Currently, most human growth plates after age 20 have closed. Once the growth plates have closed completely, people will not be able to grow anymore even taking supplements. In a very few rare cases, the closure of growth plates occurs later in some "late bloomers", so these people can grow a little after age 20, approximately around ages 21-22. However, the chance is very slim. Before deciding to use our products, you should have an X-ray to check exactly whether your growth plates have closed completely or not.
The results may vary among individuals. Any of our growth supplements should be taken continuously at the recommended dosage for at least 3-6 months combined with proper nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. Products are recommended to be taken until the end of puberty for the desired results.*
Besides similar ingredients like Herbal blend, Calcium, and Collagen for bone development, the two products have some differences in components and dosage as follows:

- NuBest Tall 10+ is recommended for people who can drink milk daily. It contains vitamin K2 and vitamin D3, which help to optimize the absorption of calcium from the user's milk consumption. Its formula does not contain Antler Velvet extract and Sea Cucumber. Capsules should be taken right after meals for the optimal absorption of vitamins.

- The formula of NuBest Tall is easier to absorb for people who have difficulty taking dairy products or hypersensitivity to some vitamin supplements. It does not contain vitamin K2 and vitamin D3, but the proprietary blend of herbs has more ingredients to support the immune system and overall health. Capsules should be taken 30 minutes before meals or an hour after meals.
Missing a few doses here and there isn't a huge deal. As long as you're taking the right dosage consistently on most days, the overall growth should still be on track.*
At the age of 10, your son can take NuBest Tall to support his healthy growth and development. For the desired results, please note that our supplement should be taken continuously at the recommended dosage for at least 3-6 months combined with proper nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. Products are recommended to be taken until the end of puberty. The results may vary from person to person.*
*Acest produs este un supliment alimentar și nu este destinat să trateze, să vindece sau să prevină bolile care cauzează statură mică. Clienții trebuie să solicite un examen medical complet al copiilor care suferă de statură mică înainte de a lua produsul. Rezultatele pot varia de la o persoană la alta.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2963 reviews
Rusudan T.
Let's see

Just got this for my boy. No side effects or bad experiences yet. However, see no grow yet. It's been 3 weeks.

David H.
It takes time

My nephew and my son take the same pills at the same time. It works on both but works better on my nephew. We see results after 3 months.

Mitchell Z.
Natural ingrients

Safe to use in the long run

Kris E.
Very happy with this product!

I stumbled upon this by chance and didn't have much faith at first but after giving it to my son who was 12 at the time, he grew visibly taller, by 1.75 inches exactly. I think this would work for others too.

Megan S.
In a year of use

My daughter regularly does stretches and jog about 30 minutes. And when she started adding this stuff to her regime, she grew from 5ft1 to 5ft3