What is the average weight for a 2 year old boy and girl?

Your toddler is now 2 years old. They might always be your baby, but, well they are not a baby anymore. As they continue to grow, you might recognize positive changes surrounding them. Today, let’s come with us to find out interesting things about your 24-month-old.

What should 2-year-old toddlers be able to do?

At 2, your little one is hitting exciting milestones, blossoming into a more coordinated and communicative being.  They are now discovering their body parts and comprehending simple directions, showing their growing understanding of the world. As they mimic your actions, seize the opportunity to model positive behaviors and nurture their development.

Motor skills

Your toddler can probably walk down or walk up the stairs with one foot at a time. They even jump with both feet at once, run around, or even kick a ball quite accurately. As parents, you need to help them develop this milestone by playing outside with them and going for short walks at parks nearby.


Most 2-year-old toddlers might be saying 50 words or more. The good thing is that you can understand them at least half the time now. For example, they can point to some pictures in a book when you ask them and use gestures to describe.

Potty training

The second birthday is an ideal time to start potty training for your baby. This might include informing you what they have to do, wanting their wet or dirty diaper changed, being able to pull their pants up and down by themselves, showing interest in the potty, and/or keeping dry for at least 2 hours in a row. But avoid rushing them if they are not ready because every kid becomes emotionally ready at their own pace.


What about their behavior?

Have you recognized that your 2-year-old is full of changing opinions? This might lead to joyful moments to make them giggle or frustrating behaviors to test your patience. Now, let’s learn common behaviors and how to deal with them.


You are not alone in this tough phase because 87% of kids experience tantrums between 18 months and 2 years old. It might be frustrating, but it is not as terrible as it sounds. In fact, you can help your toddler stop their tantrums by giving them calm hugs or giving redirection.

Separation anxiety

2-year-olds are worried about separating from their parents. The thing you should do is keep goodbyes short and sweet, assure your toddler that you will be back, and be specific with the details.


The truth is your baby can understand the feelings of others around them, which is one of the exciting milestones for them. For instance, you might recognize your child comforting someone crying or upset when they see someone else cry. So, teach them how to use words or gestures to describe their feelings because acknowledgment is a vital step toward learning to control negative emotions.

Take a look at 2-year-old development

What is the average weight for a 2 year old boy and girl?

Most babies gain about 4.4 pounds every year between 2 years old and puberty.

In particular:

  • The average weight for 2-year-old girls is about 26 lb (12.1 kg).
  • The average weight for 2-year-old boys is about 28 lb (12.7 kg).

How about the average height?

Most 2-to-3-year-olds grow about 3 inches (8 centimeters) in height every year. 

In particular:

  • The average height for 2-year-old girls is about 2 ft 9.5 inches (85 centimeters).
  • The average height for 2-year-old boys is about 2 ft 10 inches (86.5 centimeters).

What factors can affect your child’s weight?

Obviously, genes are the biggest factor determining how heavy your child will be as well as how tall they will get. But there are other factors as well.

  • Gestation: If your baby arrived after their due date, they might be larger than average. But if they were born prematurely, they may probably be smaller.
  • Your pregnancy health: If you did not eat well, used drugs, or smoked during pregnancy, you are more likely to give birth to a small baby. In case you gained an ideal amount of weight or had gestational diabetes, your baby might be larger.
  • Sex: Baby boys are typically larger (length and weight) at birth than baby girls.
  • Breastfed or formula-fed: In the first year, breastfed babies gain weight more slowly than formula-fed babies (though they grow more quickly for the first 3 months). By age 2, breastfed and formula-fed babies have the same weight.
  • Hormones: If your child has a low thyroid or growth hormone level, this might slow their growth.
  • Medications: Regular use of corticosteroids is one of the main causes of slow growth.
  • Health issues: If your child has a chronic illness or any disorder affecting their ability to eat or absorb nutrients, their growth may be slowed or even stunted.
  • Genetic conditions: Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, or Noonan syndrome are genetic conditions that might affect your baby’s growth.

How to help 2-year-olds grow well?


At 2, your toddler needs about 11 to 12 hours of sleep at night, plus a nap between 1.5 to 3 hours, for a total of around 13 to 14 hours of sleep per day. If their afternoon nap is a bit shorter, do not worry much. Just make sure their total sleep per day should remain about the same.


2-year-olds need to have three meals daily, plus two snacks. Parents need to offer them a variety of foods in all food groups, including vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy, and protein. Most toddlers should eat about ¼ cup of grains, ¾ to 1 cup of fruits and veggies, and 3 tablespoons of protein per day.

Parents should ask the pediatrician about switching from whole milk to 1% or skim milk. Also, ensure they consume about 700 mg of calcium of 600 IU of vitamin D daily.


Your 2-year-old baby might be interested in building, coloring, and pretending to play. It is easy to see them spending more time playing independently than they used to. So, keep them busy with activities that help them practice their motor skills as well as use their imagination.

Checklist and tips

  • Always take your toddler to their regular checkup. Make sure to discuss with the pediatrician any concerns related to your baby’s milestones so that they can offer suitable tests.
  • For taking care of teeth, let them “paint” their teeth with toothpaste. This makes it more fun than calling as brushing the teeth.
  • Help them practice pulling pants up and down to make potty training easier. This also helps them become more independent.
  • Read to your kids daily and keep screen time to a minimum (ideally less than one hour a day). If you do allow screen time, make sure to watch with your kid so you can monitor and discuss what they watch.

In conclusion,

Exploring the average weight for 2-year-old boys and girls unveils a fascinating journey of growth and development. While numerical averages provide valuable insights, it is crucial to remember that every child is unique, with their genetic predispositions, dietary habits, activity levels, and growth trajectories. As parents, your role is not to fixate on numbers but to nurture a supportive environment that promotes healthy habits and fosters optimal growth and well-being for each child. By embracing this holistic approach and celebrating the diverse paths of toddlerhood, we empower ourselves to guide our little ones toward a future filled with vitality, resilience, and boundless potential.

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