When do females stop growing?

Growing up is a fantastic part of our life. It is interesting to watch ourselves stretch every inch at a time. And the truth is that everyone, at some point, has wished to have a tall stature. So, if you are a girl or a parent worried about your girl’s height, this is the right place. Together with us, crack the code of girl growth today!

What is the average height for females?

The average height for women over 20 in the U.S. is 63.5 inches (about 161.3 centimeters), according to the data from the CDC [1]. 

Look at the CDC stature-for-age growth chart for girls (50th percentile) below to learn more [2].

Age (years)

Average height (inches)

Average height (centimeters)































When do females stop growing?

From the chart above, you can see a plateau in height between 15 and 16, showing the fact that most girls stop growing around age 15. Although some might continue to grow taller up to age 16, they are not generally past age 18.

But how to know exactly? Let’s check out some signs that your daughter has stopped growing in height.

  • It is likely females will stop growing about two and a half years after they start menstruating.
  • Body hair like public and underarm hair has completely grown in.
  • Breasts, genitals, and hips are completely developed.
  • The face shape and features are more adult-like.
  • There has been no or slow growth in height for a year or more.

Using medical tests is another way to determine whether a girl has likely stopped growing in height. However, they are not generally ordered unless people have any health concerns. Below are two measurements that doctors use to examine.

  • Pediatric bone age: This method requires X-ray images of the left wrist and hand. Then compare them against a standardized index to show growth. From there, the doctor can reveal information about skeletal maturity levels, health, and nutrition.
  • Hormone levels: The levels of growth hormones can tell whether a girl is growing at an expected average rate. Checking this level is performed via a simple blood test.

Is there anything else?

Here is a common method that can help you predict a girl’s final adult height. It is called a “mid-parental height calculator.”

  • Add the father and mother’s heights in either inches or centimeters.
  • Subtract 5 inches (13 centimeters).
  • Then divide by 2 to get the result.

Or, you can estimate their height by doubling a girl’s height at age 18 months.


What affects their height?


According to Scientific American, following proper nutrition before puberty is a main factor in supporting height growth. They point out that growing kids need calcium, vitamins A and D, and protein to boost their growth potential. Also, they mention that malnutrition in childhood negatively affects height. 

A report on Economics & Human Biology stated that nutrition is the vital external factor that contributes to the height of European nations.

Environmental factors

According to the journal Environmental Health Perspective, having access to healthy food, proper sanitation, and a good healthcare system affects growth. It also pointed out that this is another important factor why over the last century people in developed countries have become taller and mature rapidly than those in developing countries.

Other factors affecting height growth

  • Physical activities might have positive impacts on growth. However, that does not mean you only focus on exercising and ignoring other factors to support body development.
  • Stress also negatively affects the body's growth and makes the body produce fewer growth hormones.
  • Climate does affect physical growth. For instance, people living in higher altitudes tend to be shorter because these places have less oxygen in the air. Or, people can grow faster during springtime than in other seasons.

How girls can maximize their growth potential?

Eat a balanced diet

As mentioned above, consuming healthy foods is a main factor in supporting overall health and height growth. Make sure you get enough food from:

  • Dairy products from milk, cheese, and yogurt
  • Lean protein from chicken, fish, and tofu
  • Vitamin D-rich foods from eggs, salmon, and fortified cereals
  • Calcium-rich foods from kale, spinach, and broccoli

Also, you should avoid sugary beverages and processed foods that can stop the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Furthermore, drinking plenty of water during the day keeps the body hydrated.

In case you are struggling with eating a balanced diet, you can ask a nutritionist or registered dietitian to help you develop a suitable meal plan.

Exercise daily

When engaging in a certain exercise like jumping, dancing, or running, you can easily maintain a healthy weight as well as strengthen your bone density and growth. Spend 30 minutes of exercise and stick to it in the long run. Also, do not forget to warm up and cool down before and after exercising to improve your performance and prevent unexpected injury.


Keep a proper posture

Good posture helps make you appear taller, prevent back pain, and even improve breathing. If you often slouch, you might compress the spine and decrease the space between the vertebrae, affecting your height growth.

It is not hard to improve your posture, but the key is to always pay attention to it and practice.

  • Stand up straight with both shoulders back and the chin parallel to the floor.
  • Keep the feet hip-width apart and deliver the weight evenly on both feet.
  • Sit straight with the back against the chair and the feet flat on the floor.
  • Engage the core muscles and do not lock the knees.

Get enough sleep

Sleeping is a natural and effective way that help the body release growth hormones for growth and tissue repair. Depending on different age groups, girls need to get a suitable amount of sleep every night to maximize their height growth. For instance:

  • 3 to 5 years: 10 to 13 hours of sleep, including naps
  • 6 to 12 years: 9 to 12 hours of sleep
  • 13 to 18 years: 8 to 10 hours of sleep

Besides, they need a relaxing sleep environment like a dark and quiet bedroom, and a comfortable mattress and pillow to sleep better. But if they have trouble falling asleep, they might try relaxation techniques as well as avoiding electric devices before bedtime, listening to calming music, or reading a book to unwind.

Wrapping up,

We know that girls stop growing in height a couple of years after they start menstruation. But, this number is average because some might continue to get taller into their late teens. Besides genetics, nutrition, physical activity, overall health, etc. also contribute to supporting the growth journey.

Generally speaking, keep in mind that our height is one part of the amazing person we are. We are unique and wonderful whether we are short, tall, or somewhere in between.

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