How To Grow Taller At 17

At the age of 17, teenagers find themselves at a crossroads of physical development, where the changes in their bodies become more noticeable and defining. It's a time when questions about growth and height can weigh heavily on their minds, especially for those who may still be hoping to add a few inches to their stature. While most teenagers have completed the bulk of their growth by this age, there are those who might find themselves lagging behind their peers in terms of height. If you or someone you know is navigating this stage and seeking ways to potentially boost height at 17, you're not alone. This journey is filled with curiosity, questions, and a quest for solutions, and here, we'll explore some insights and advice to help navigate this intriguing aspect of adolescence.

What is the average height for 17-year-old teens?

Girls’ height measurements at 17 will lie between 59.3 and 68.9 inches (150.75 and 175.1 centimeters). So, the mean height measurement for this age group will be 64.1 inches (162.92 centimeters). Meanwhile, boys’ height measurements will lie between 63.4 and 74.2 inches (161.27 and 188.63 centimeters). Hence, the mean height measurement for this age group will be 69 inches (175.34 centimeters) [1, 2].

There is not much change in height when boys or girls reach this age because most likely end puberty. But note that these numbers are just the recommended average height. Your children might not be 100% exact because many other factors affect their height.

How to grow taller at 17?

In adolescence, individuals often seek ways to enhance their height naturally. The process of growth during this stage is influenced by various factors, including genetics, nutrition, and lifestyle choices. If you're looking to maximize your potential height, consider exploring a range of methods that can help you achieve your goal. Below, we've compiled a comprehensive list of the top 10 natural methods for height improvement that you can start incorporating into your daily routine:


Pay attention to a proper nutrition

Nutrition stands as a paramount factor with profound implications for growth and immune system vitality. A deficiency in the intake of micro and macronutrients can give rise to undernutrition, a condition that impedes not only physical growth but also behavioral maturation, delayed motor skill acquisition, and cognitive development. Thus, the question emerges: How can we provide our children with a nourishing diet that fosters their well-being?

Whole grains emerge as nutritional powerhouses, their carbohydrates serving as the essential energy source that fuels the growth and sustained activity of youthful bodies.

An assortment of fruits and vegetables, whether fresh, frozen, dried, canned, or in the form of 100% juice, assumes an indispensable role in supplying a diverse array of vitamins, dietary fiber, and other essential nutrients.

The inclusion of lean meat, fish, eggs, legumes, or nuts becomes imperative to ensure an adequate intake of protein, B vitamins, zinc, and iron, all of which play a pivotal role in supporting height development and overall growth.

For adolescents, especially in the United States where calcium and potassium intake often falls short, the incorporation of low-fat dairy products becomes essential. These dairy products provide a rich source of calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and protein, thereby contributing significantly to the nutritional needs of growing teens.

Drink plenty of water

Certainly, height cannot be increased by simply drinking a single glass of water. However, maintaining a daily intake of at least eight glasses of water can play a significant role in eliminating toxins from the body and reducing the risk of various diseases. Furthermore, water plays a crucial role in facilitating proper metabolism, allowing essential nutrients to be efficiently absorbed into the body. This, in turn, supports the potential for height gain and contributes to overall health and well-being.

Avoid overeating junk and fast foods 

These foods are low in nutritional value and high in sugar, salt, and fats. So, if you frequently eat them, you might face risks of obesity, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, or even some cancers. A recent study pointed out that munching on junk food might stunt skeletal growth and leave your children with weaker bones [3].

Work out properly

Engaging in regular exercise is another essential element in the pursuit of height enhancement. When growth plates remain open, consistent physical activity can promote bone and muscle strength, help maintain a healthy body weight, and stimulate the production of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Even for individuals who have already undergone puberty, daily exercise continues to be valuable in preserving overall health, enhancing posture, and mitigating the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

Get enough sleep and rest

Adequate and quality sleep is of paramount importance for overall growth and development, as it plays a crucial role in facilitating the body's regeneration of essential tissues necessary for growth. Furthermore, it stimulates the production of growth hormones within the body. It is recommended that 17-year-old adolescents receive between 9 to 9 ½ hours of sleep each night to support their well-being. To assist them in achieving a more restful and rejuvenating sleep, consider the following strategies:

  1. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and encourage them to adhere to it diligently.

  2. Avoid going to bed either overly full or hungry, as discomfort can disrupt their ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.

  3. Create a tranquil sleeping environment by maintaining a quiet, dark, and cool room, which can significantly enhance the quality of their rest.

  4. Discourage engaging in overly strenuous or mentally stimulating activities immediately before bedtime, as this can make it difficult for them to unwind and prepare for sleep.

Expose your skin to sunlight

You may be curious about the connection between sunlight and its role in enhancing height growth, but it does have a significant impact. This is primarily due to sunlight being the most effective source of vitamin D, a crucial nutrient that aids the body in absorbing calcium, thereby promoting the growth and overall health of bones. During the spring and summer, exposing yourself to sunlight for just 10 to 20 minutes is generally sufficient. However, in the winter months, you may require more sun exposure to meet the recommended vitamin D intake. The optimal time to bask in the sun's rays is typically between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Focus on good posture

Slumping or slouching isn't just about appearances; it can potentially impact your children's height over the long term. Therefore, it's important to motivate them to maintain proper posture by standing upright, retracting their shoulders, and engaging their core muscles instead of rounding their backs. Additionally, when seated, it's crucial to ensure they maintain an upright position and consider placing a small pillow behind their lower back for added support and comfort. Encouraging these habits from an early age can contribute to their overall well-being and potential growth.

Keep ideal body weight

When considering the factors influencing height development, it is imperative to underscore the significance of maintaining an appropriate body weight. Excessive body weight can impede the growth process by subjecting joints, bones, and intervertebral discs to undue strain, potentially resulting in reduced stature for your children. Consequently, it is crucial to closely monitor their dietary habits to ensure they maintain a healthy weight as they reach the age of 17.

It is worth noting that the typical weight range for 17-year-old girls and boys falls within the bracket of 100 to 146 pounds (45 to 66 kilograms) for girls and 120 to 168 pounds (56 to 76 kilograms) for boys. This provides a helpful reference point for gauging and managing their weight to support their overall growth and well-being.

Say NO to growth inhibitors

Teens at this age tend to follow the routine of drinking and smoking without caring about the adverse effects on their growth.

  • Drugs and alcohol are two common inhibitors they should avoid at all costs.

  • Although caffeine found in coffee does not stunt growth, it might make them feel hard to sleep.

  • A study showed that teens who smoke or second-hand smoke are shorter than those who do not smoke [4].

  • Steroids like anabolic steroids might hinder bone growth in young kids and teens, reduce breast size and sperm count and increase blood pressure.

Use supplements yet with caution

If you are contemplating the utilization of dietary supplements as a means to enhance the stature of your children, it is imperative to exercise prudence and discernment. It is crucial to recognize that not all dietary supplements may yield the desired results in terms of height augmentation. It is essential to exercise caution when confronted with products that make audacious claims of facilitating height gain, as it is important to understand that once the growth plates have closed, the prospects of achieving additional height are exceedingly limited. The most prudent course of action entails engaging in a candid and informed discussion with a qualified medical professional, such as your doctor, who can provide invaluable guidance in identifying a suitable and safe dietary supplement, should one be warranted

Which exercises are appropriate to grow taller at 17?

As mentioned above, keeping yourself active with some proper exercises and stretching plays a vital factor in increasing height. But which ones should you follow? Let’s find out!


Embrace Cycling:

Participating in cycling activities at a moderate intensity and maintaining a steady rhythm can effectively tone the muscles, particularly in the calves and legs. This consistent exercise regimen will lead to a more streamlined lower body appearance. As your children continue to cycle, they may also experience an increase in height due to the stretching and strengthening effects on their leg muscles. Furthermore, cycling can aid in weight management, as it has the potential to burn approximately 400 calories per hour.

Incorporate Hanging Exercises:

Hanging exercises, where one suspends their body from a bar, provide a unique opportunity for full-body stretching. This activity allows for the natural elongation of the spine, as gravity acts to minimize compression on the vertebrae. By doing so, hanging exercises can contribute to enhanced growth and increased height.

Embrace Jumping Rope:

Jumping rope is an excellent way to promote an upright posture and balance, while also contributing to spinal and back muscle flexibility. The rhythmic motion of skipping helps to align the spine and strengthen the back muscles. Additionally, the repetitive bending of the knees during this activity can stimulate vertical extension of the calf muscles. Consider starting with 50 skips a day and gradually increasing the count to 80 and eventually 100 for optimal results.

Practice Yoga:

Integrate yoga into your routine as a comprehensive stretching practice to enhance muscle development, correct posture, and encourage an overall taller stature. Various yoga poses can be beneficial for height gain, such as the Mountain pose, Cobra pose, Warrior's pose, and Child's pose. These asanas aid in strengthening the body, fostering proper alignment, and supporting height growth.

The bottom line

While genetics plays a predominant role in determining an individual's height, it's important to acknowledge that there are various factors and strategies that can potentially influence one's height. These factors encompass not only genetics but also the impact of nutrition, regular physical activity, and other lifestyle choices. As responsible parents, it is crucial to actively promote and support the holistic development of your children, including their potential for increased height.

Encouraging your children to maintain a well-balanced and nutritious diet is paramount. Proper nutrition provides the essential building blocks required for healthy growth. Ensure that their diet includes a wide range of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that support bone health and overall growth.

Adequate sleep is another vital component of height development, especially in children and adolescents. During sleep, the body undergoes various growth and repair processes, including the lengthening and strengthening of bones. Establishing a consistent and sufficient sleep routine for your children is thus highly beneficial.

Regular exercise and physical activity can also play a significant role in promoting height development. Engaging in activities such as stretching exercises, yoga, and sports can help improve posture, increase flexibility, and stimulate growth-promoting hormones.

In addition to these lifestyle factors, it is important to approach any potential interventions with caution. If you are considering adding supplements or other height-enhancing products to your child's diet, it is advisable to consult with a qualified medical professional. They can provide guidance on the safety and effectiveness of such interventions, taking into account your child's individual health and circumstances.

In conclusion, while genetics lays the foundation for height, a comprehensive approach that includes proper nutrition, adequate sleep, regular exercise, and professional guidance can collectively contribute to maximizing an individual's growth potential. As caring parents, your role in fostering a healthy and supportive environment for your children's growth and development is paramount.

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