How To Get Taller At 19

At the age of 19, the majority of people’s growth plates are already closed. So it is challenging to grow taller no matter the extra effort. However, not everyone is at the same growth rate. To know specifically about your case, it is best to visit your family doctor for better analysis.

No matter the results, it is important to maintain good habits for a healthy body. If you can still grow taller at the age of 19, these will surely benefit the very limited time you have left. If not, it is still worthwhile to sustain these promising practices.

The average height of 19-year-olds

At age 18, boys' average height is 6'2.73" (189.46 cm), while girls' average height is 5'9.1" (175.39 cm), according to the CDC (1). 

Is it possible to get taller at the age of 19?

Many assume that our bodies cease developing at the age of 19 when most individuals' epiphyseal plates become dormant. However, these plates occasionally remain active for development at age 19 and beyond. Therefore, it is very advised that you contact your doctor to have them check to determine if your plates are still functioning.

Even while most individuals won't grow taller, certain daily height differences are normal. Your spine's discs are relatively compressed throughout the day, which explains this change. The fluid and cartilage in your spine are impacted by daily activities, which may gradually reduce your height during the day. There may be a half-inch (1.5 cm) contrast in height throughout the day.


What aspects are liable for your height growth?

Growth hormones, which the pituitary gland creates and which influence metabolism, body composition, and bone growth. At the ages of 12 and 13, we enter puberty, and all of these start to develop and continue for the following six years. Some people continue to develop even after then, although these instances are rare.

Your long bones' ends include growth plates, also called epiphyseal plates. Your bones will lengthen while the growth plates continue to function, which will allow you to gain height. Growth plates will tighten as hormones change during puberty, which suppresses bone growth. Boys' growth plates close between the ages of 14 and 19 whereas girls’ do so around the age of 16.

Growth hormones, as you've just discovered, are directly accountable for your physical changes. Other factors also have an indirect impact on the outcome. These include a nutritious diet, enough rest, an active and healthy lifestyle, and overcoming negative influences. Such choices will encourage a robust body to enable effective growth throughout the minimal timeframe left.

How to make the most out of your restricted growth span?

While you might not be able to drastically improve your height as an adult, there are measures you can take in your adolescence to optimize your height potential. Here are some factors that can answer your concern about how to get taller at 19.

Eat a healthy, fresh diet

In general, you may ensure you are obtaining adequate nutrition and are not deficient in vitamins or minerals. Even though many kids eat enough food—or even too much—their diets are usually poor in quality. As a consequence, many people are deficient in crucial minerals for the body and bones, such as calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin D also can aid in bone health, and calcium in food has a positive impact on hormone synthesis that improves bones.

Eating more fruits and veggies can combat malnutrition and encourage healthy bone growth. Protein consumption is crucial for both bone health and muscle restoration. Good protein sources for the body include eggs, milk, soybeans, and other legumes


Limit junk food

Eating sugary items can lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes, particularly in kids, which leads to abnormal insulin rhythms and high glucose levels. Because of the extra pressure that being overweight imposes on your joints, they weaken. The growth plates' shrinkage inhibits your capacity to gain height beyond 19.

Sodium-rich foods can also cause a nutritional deficit and severe ailments including bronchocele, irregular blood pressure, and cardiovascular issues. Your bones and teeth start to disintegrate as a result of an excessive salt intake that drains calcium from your body.

Consume adequate amounts of water and milk

Water, which provides nutrients and oxygen, hydrates your body, particularly the joint disc. To remain hydrated requires the typical individual to take 64 ounces (or roughly 2 liters) of water daily. If you exercise a lot during the day, you should drink more.

Since milk provides calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and protein, it is critical for bone and muscle development. A glass of milk after working out might help your muscles regenerate since it offers a substantial amount of protein. You should only have 16 ounces (500 ml) of milk per day, at the most.


Growth plate cartilage is more brittle and vulnerable to injury throughout puberty. Therefore, it is vital to follow the right technique during workouts under expert supervision.

Exercise also offers benefits. It can improve your general health while reducing your chance of osteoporosis,  an issue that results in weaker or more brittle bones due to low bone density. Consequently, your height might "reduce" from this condition.

Correct posture

If you are asking how to get taller at 19, maintaining an appropriate posture can help you quite a bit. By doing so, you may also avoid bone and spinal problems by dispersing your weight uniformly throughout your body. Correcting your current posture might improve your height if you're hunching most of the time.


Throughout adolescence, failing to get an adequate amount of sleep can yield significant repercussions. This stems from the crucial role sleep plays in the production of growth hormones within your body. Inadequate sleep directly interferes with the synthesis of these vital hormones, making it imperative to maximize your restorative slumber. For optimal mental and physical well-being, it is recommended that 19-year-olds aim for 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Embracing this advice can potentially supercharge the production of growth hormones, contributing to a healthier and more vibrant life.


During adolescence, sleeping less than the advised amount might have major consequences. This is due to the fact that during your sleep, your body creates growth hormones. The production of this hormone and others would be reduced by insufficient sleep. Take advantage of that turbo snooze since getting more sleep might possibly improve the synthesis of growth hormones. For optimal mental and physical health, 19-year-olds need 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

Get adequate vitamin D

Switching your diet and adjusting your lifestyle won't help you get taller until your body gets sufficient vitamin D. This vitamin is essential for the body's absorption and retention of calcium, which directly supports the growth of bones and muscles. Likewise, vitamin D deficiency has been linked to obesity and even stunted growth in children.

The most direct way to acquire this vitamin is through dawning sunlight. Children can grow stronger and taller by engaging in a 30-minute activity in the early sun. Additionally, foods like dairy, mushrooms, egg yolks, organ meats, and fortified cereals contain vitamin D. Taking supplements is highly recommended if needed.

Supplements that reinforce height growth

It's common to find that your meals don't always include all the necessary nutrients. For this reason, dietary supplements are useful. The nutrients and minerals your body needs for growth are supplied by these supplements. They also make it easier to do everyday duties and sleep at night.

Say NO to addictive substances

Addictive drugs may have a detrimental influence on your height growth.

  • Caffeine: Rest is necessary for physical development. If you allow coffee to interfere with your nighttime sleep, your growth rate will slow down.

  • Nicotine: It's harmful to your physical and mental development.

  • Steroids: Although they help muscles expand, steroids can stop bones from growing. It clarifies why people who use steroids seem bulky. This body type has a weaker structure and higher bulk, making it more prone to injury during activity.


You can still grow taller at and after age 19 in some uncommon circumstances when the epiphyseal plates are still functioning. Given the little time remaining for physical growth, maintaining a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, and getting enough sleep are essential.

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