Does Losing Weight Make You Taller?

Does losing weight make you taller? At one point or another in your life, you might have asked yourself this question, and maybe those around you. But the fascinating thing is the answer is different depending on the person you ask. So, what is the truth? Let’s get to it!

Should you lose weight to gain height?

The short answer is NO.

The slightly less short answer is also NO, but losing weight might make you look taller, thanks to the illusion of proportions. And this typically applies to those that are in the obese category.

If you have a trimmed stature, you will naturally look to be taller than someone with weight. And in case you have less body mass or weight, your growth process is focused on muscle building, contributing to improving height. But if you are overweight, your growth will mainly concentrate on building fat. Do you know that the overall development of a person should be an increase in muscles, not fat?


Also, medical experts disclose that obesity might contribute remarkably to weak bone metabolism in the body, which affects the body’s structure. Then this may result in osteoporosis, particularly in the back, joints, and hips. Osteoporosis occurs when the bones become weak, making them easy to bend and break and then leading to height loss.

On the whole, losing weight would not make you taller. Even an obese person can lose weight and still keep the same height. But remember that this action helps decrease the factors that might prevent height gain, both in the present and future.

How to know if you are overweight?

You can try different formulas to calculate healthy weight and height for each person, but the most popular one is the Body Mass Index (BMI). This easy and inexpensive method helps you know if you are underweight, normal, overweight, or obese. Below is the BMI formula to measure your weight relative to your height [1].



US units

Weight (lb) / [height (in)]2 x 703

Example: Weight = 140 lbs, Height = 65 inches

Calculation: [140 / (65)2] x 703 = 23.29

Metric units

Weight (kg) / [height (m)]2

Example: Weight = 65 kg, Height = 1.60 m

Calculation: 65 / (1.6)2 = 24.52

After getting your own BMI score, you then compare it with the WHO’s standards to find out which category you are in.

  • Less than 18.5 – You are underweight.

  • Between 18.5 and 24.9 – You are healthy or at an optimum range.

  • Between 25 and 29.9 – You are overweight.

  • Between 30 and 34.9 – You are at obese class I.

  • Between 35 and 40 – You are at obese class II.

  • Over 40 – You are at obese class III.

However, this score is for adults only. Since children and teens are still growing, they should use the CDC’s BMI charts.

  • Under 5% - Your children are underweight.

  • Between 5% and 84.9% - They have a healthy weight for their height.

  • Between 85% and 95% - They are at risk of being overweight.

  • Over 95% - They are considered overweight.

How to lose weight and get taller?

After understanding which category you fall into, it is time to learn how to lose weight if you are at risk of being overweight or supposed to be overweight.

Pay attention to your diet

If you want to lose fat healthily, you have no choice but to increase your intake of greens, fruits, and beans. Avoid foods high in calories and fat because they only increase the amount of fat in your body. Try to consume more foods rich in necessary nutrients to reduce body weight and contribute to height gain.


Include more protein

Adding more protein from brown bread, oatmeal, quinoa, nuts, and whey protein is highly recommended to support muscle building and weight loss. Besides, avoid refined foods like white bread and white flour because they easily get stuck in the intestine and create toxins.

Avoid skipping any meal

You tend to skip meals, but this just slows down your metabolism and you end up eating more than you should. Skipping meals also affects your energy levels and mood, making you feel laid-back all the time. And this might prevent you from concentrating on working out or doing anything.

Get regular exercise

Aside from eating correctly, doing exercises regularly is one of the most effective ways if you want to lose weight and get taller. While you work out, you will burn extra calories in the body. The more calories you burn, the less fat you are going to have.

Swimming is an effective sport that helps burn body fat, tone muscles, and keep a healthy metabolism. Moreover, if you swim regularly, it actively engages the spine, supporting your vertical physique. Cycling is another good way to shred extra calories and help strengthen the bones in your legs, allowing you to lose weight and increase height efficiently.

You should engage in aerobic exercises to focus on stretches to promote all fitness factors. They not only burn high levels of calories but also enhance growth hormone production.

Be patient and consistent

If you want to lose weight, grow taller, or do anything in life, you need to work really hard to reach your goals. Make particular goals for weight loss and height gain, and set your mind to completing them.

What are the benefits of losing weight?

Although weight loss might not deliver benefits for height gain, you can get some good things from losing a couple of pounds.

If your height is concerned, better posture plays an essential role. Most overweight people struggle with several postural problems since they have to carry extra pounds that tighten their joints and tissues, resulting in pain, inflammation, and joint impairment. And over time, this excess pressure on joints might make them “shrink” in height. That is why weight loss is the ideal method for better posture!


  • Less belly fat helps enhance the function of the core musculature.

  • Losing fat surrounding the midsection makes the spine bend easier.

  • It also promotes the mobility and flexibility of the joints and muscles.

  • Less weight means better joint health.

  • Decreased body mass lowers the load on the spine, improving physical stature.

Is there anything else? Losing weight also results in:

  • Reduced blood pressure

  • Lower triglycerides

  • Improved heart health

  • Better mobility

  • Reduced pain

  • Enhanced sex life

  • Lower risks of heart diseases

  • Improved mood

  • Improved sleep

  • Enhanced self-esteem

That said, weight loss is especially helpful for clinically obese people. It means taking back control over their life once more and living longer.

In a word

You cannot gain height by losing weight, but it will not be in vain because weight loss might decrease the risk of losing height in later life because of obesity-related conditions, like osteoporosis. Also, it helps improve your posture and leads to many health benefits. 

So, what is not to love about that?

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