Do Calf Raises Make You Taller?

While practicing calf raises regularly helps you avoid injury and improve overall balance, do calf raises make you taller as a rumor? Get the answer in the post below.

Does performing 1,000 calf raises a day help you grow taller?

First of all, you should know that calf rise is a lower-leg exercise that enhances the calves and muscles surrounding the ankle as well as extends and tightens the calf. So, if you train your calves regularly, you can build calf strength, explosiveness, and endurance, which is suitable for promoting ankle stability and overall balance. What is more, this exercise is great for extending the plantar muscles of your foot and making it more flexible.

In terms of height gain, do calf raises make you get taller?

Until now, there is no scientific evidence proving this. But that does not mean you should ignore this simple yet effective exercise. That is because when you have strong calves, you can promote your run, walk, or jog, thereby adding stability and strength to your gait as well as lowering injuries while working out.

For example, if you play basketball, training calf raises might support your necessary muscles and make you jump higher and run better. Since running and jumping continuously helps boost growth hormones, your height will be improved..


How to do calf raises the correct way?

Calf raises can be performed by anyone regardless of fitness level. This exercise requires no quick burst of energy, muscle endurance, or immense strength. Below is a step-by-step guide on what you should do.

Hang your heels

Begin by standing on the edge of a stable surface a few inches tall. Make sure your heels hang off the edge to start a deep calf stretch by tightening your ankles.

Stretch and contract your calves

Stand upright with the foot on the edge, and start a deep calf stretch as mentioned above. Keep your knee stretched, and then push through your toes to raise your heels upwards. Maintain yourself in the top position for a second, and concentrate on strong muscle contraction. Lower yourself under control

How often should you perform calf raises?

In fact, it depends on your different fitness demands. But most trainers suggest doing between 15 and 20 reps in a set, at least two days per week to target your calves. And it is best to take one day off between each session so your calves may rebuild and recover, growing stronger.

Another important thing to note is that you should combine this single-joint exercise with other movements to strengthen the ankle joints and knees

What are calf raises variations to try?

Calf raises might be simple, but they bring impressive results to your legs. And what makes it a great leg exercise is you can do it with various modifications.

Dumbbell calf raises


Clutching dumbbells, weighted plates, barbells, or kettlebells increases the difficulty of calf raises as it puts more weight on the body, boosting the necessary effort.

  • Hold equally dumbbells in each hand

  • Stand straight with both hands at the sides and palms facing the body

  • Brace your core and lift the heels off the floor

  • Hold for seconds

  • Lower the heels and repeat

Seated calf raises

If you find it tough to stay on your feet, you should try this variation as it gives a more low-intensity workout.

  • Sit upright on the edge of the chair

  • Keep the back straight

  • Angle the knees so the legs are at a 900 angle with the floor

  • Grip the chair with both hands

  • Raise the ankles off the floor while keeping the upper body still

  • Hold for seconds

  • Lower the heels on the floor

Single-leg calf raises

If you want to activate the stabilizer muscles in your legs, try this variation.

  • Hold a dumbbell in the right hand and place the ball of your right foot on an elevated surface

  • Cross your left ankle behind your right one

  • Hold any sturdy surface or wall with the left hand for balance

  • Raise your right heel off the ground and give your right calf a squeeze

  • Hold for seconds

  • Lower the right heel on the floor

  • Repeat with the left knee

What are the health benefits of calf raises?

Training in this exercise regularly might bring the solid benefits you need to reach your fitness goals.

Stabilize your feet and ankles

Doing calf raises might help stabilize your calves and feet, making your ankles stronger. This ensures you have proper balance, especially if you often wear heels.

Increase speed as runners

If you are in love with running yet worried about injury, you should practice this exercise regularly. How your foot lands on the ground, how light you are on your feet, and how long your strides are, all are necessary for running. And having strong calves can help you.

Say NO to injuries

Weak ankles and calves might result in gait issues and stability deficiencies when running, jumping, squatting, or even standing. By strengthening the calves through this exercise, you can maintain them in strength-based and explosive activities. 

Support your lower body performance

Having weak calves might result in decreased lower body stability, making you feel muscle spasms after doing cardio or even failing in squatting. So, if you want to support your entire lower body, it is important to work on your calves


Tips to consider when practicing calf raises

To perform a perfect calf raise, you need to pay attention to some of the factors below.

  • Make sure to breathe out when lifting your heels and breathe in when lowering your heels.

  • Warm up with some stretches to lessen the risk of muscle injury as well as improve flexibility and remove strains or cramping.

  • Keep your back straight and do not lean forward, or it might increase the risks of back pain while not engaging your calves.

  • Control the tempo when doing calf raises to acquire the full benefits. Lift and lower your heels slowly to gain strength and aesthetic improvement.

  • Perform a higher number of calf raises to tax and stimulate your calf muscles for longer.

  • Change your foot position to engage different muscles if you want. Try turning your toes slightly inward to strengthen the inner calf muscle or outwards to focus on the superficial calf muscles

In a word

Practicing calf raises is simple yet effective so you can do it anywhere to help you acquire your fitness targets. But please note that only doing this exercise does not affect your height because growing taller is a long process and requires many things. Anyhow, calf raise supports you in jumping higher and getting fewer injuries in other activities, and that might help your height gain.

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