At what age do people stop growing taller?

While being tall might bring many benefits, will your height keep increasing forever? Of course not. Growing taller will stop at a certain age, and it differs from person to person. But if you want to know a common number, keep scrolling to find out more!

At what age do people stop growing taller?

Girls typically stop growing taller between 14-15 years old, following their peak growth spurt from 12-14. This coincides with puberty and hormonal changes. Growth ends when long bone growth plates fuse.

Boys usually cease growing around 16-18 years old. Their growth spurt occurs 1-2 years after initial puberty signs. Boys often grow taller than girls due to this extended growth period.

For both genders, growth plate fusion in long bones marks the end of height increase.signs-of-stopping-height-growth

What factors affect height?


DNA, or heredity, is the main factor in determining a person’s height. Moreover, it affects weight, body type, hair and eye colors, and even IQ. So, if you are more likely to be short, you are descended from a family whose genetic factors have contributed to low height. Although about 60 to 80 percent of height is controlled by genetics, 20 to 40 percent is determined by other factors.


The growth and development of children are mainly influenced by the nutrients they receive. That’s why we must give them a balanced and nutritious diet to satisfy their nutritional demands during their growing years.

Meanwhile, food quality problems, limited access to proper nutritional sources, and increased food costs negatively affect children’s growth. If they do not consume enough food, they might not get the same height as their counterparts who eat well. Also, there is a higher risk of overall development in offspring whose mothers did not eat healthily during their pregnancies.

Physical activity

Children who often join physical activities during their growing years tend to grow taller and healthier. Jump rope, basketball, jogging, swimming, and badminton are some sports related to height growth because they help build bone and muscle mass effectively.

Medical conditions

Certain medical conditions might disrupt the harmonious orchestration of growth processes. These include:

  • Down syndrome is a condition of physical and mental delay because of the abnormal development of chromosome 21.
  • Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder that leads to women having only one X chromosome.
  • Cushing syndrome is a condition that happens when the body includes too much cortisol hormone.
  • Gigantism is an extreme growth hormone causing bones and the body to be too large for one’s age.
  • Other symptoms such as achondroplasia, cancer, malnutrition, digestive system diseases, and precocious puberty.

Living conditions

Different living situations also play a direct factor in determining the average height of men and women. Persons who live in wealthy environments are taller than those who live in developing nations. Because these areas often lack the financial means and healthcare infrastructure needed to counteract the detrimental influences on people’s growth, as well as physical and mental health.


Men are taller than women, of course. Moreover, boys often grow faster than girls. Typically, an adult man and an adult woman differ in height by an average of 5.5 inches (about 14 centimeters).

Can you grow taller after puberty?

The truth is once puberty stops and growth plates fuse, the potential for substantial height gain diminishes significantly. This process marks the end of the rapid growth spurts characteristic of adolescence. While minor changes in height may happen throughout adulthood due to factors, like posture, spinal disc compression, or changes in muscle mass, the overall potential for significant vertical expansion becomes limited.


How to optimize growth during childhood?

Create and stick to a meal plan

Children need to get enough 3 meals a day together with healthy snacking.

Start their day with a nutritious and heavy breakfast with height-increasing foods, like oats, quinoa, eggs, sprouts, yogurt, fruits, etc. Next, prepare a balanced lunch that includes protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, and fiber from lean meat, rice, fish, millet, pulses, vegetables, and more. For dinner, it is best to keep it light yet ensure it makes children’s stomach full for the night. You can try veggies and fruits with hummus or protein shakes to give enough nutrients for snacks.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated does not mean drinking liters of water daily. You can try other healthy drinks that might keep your child’s energy levels up and support their body’s growth and development. Coconut water, fruit juices, and smoothies are the best examples.

Engage in physical activities

Aside from consuming nutrients from diets, exercising is among the key factors that affect your child’s height. As parents, you need to find fun games outdoors. Or guide them to do household chores instead of sneaking onto the sofa to watch TV or staring at tablets. Also encourage them to try outdoor games, such as running, basketball, swimming, soccer, etc. to boost height. Or kick start their day with 10-15 minutes of yoga and stretching in the morning.

Have quality sleep

We all know the growth hormone is vital in growing taller, particularly during the growing years. This hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, stimulating growth in bones, muscles, and other tissues. And getting enough growth hormone levels helps promote linear growth and guarantee proper growth.

But do you know that the secretion of growth hormones is closely connected to sleep? Yes, it is. Most growth hormones are released during deep sleep. That’s why maintaining a disciplined sleep cycle is essential for optimizing growth hormone production. 

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