The 6 Best Vitamins Good for Skin

As you conscientiously integrate a wide array of skincare products like cleansers, moisturizers, serums, toners, and exfoliators into your daily regimen, it's crucial to recognize that the ultimate radiance of your skin depends on more than just surface treatments. Beneath the surface lies a foundational aspect – the nourishment provided by essential vitamins that are vital for skin health. In our upcoming article, we embark on a journey to uncover the secrets to achieving and sustaining luminous, flawless skin. So, dear readers, join us as we delve into the transformative potential of these crucial nutrients for unlocking your skin's unparalleled beauty.

When it comes to the world of vitamins and their impact on your skin, a fascinating dilemma emerges: should you apply them directly to your skin or ingest them as oral supplements (or acquire them through the foods you consume)? This query prompts an exploration into the realm of effectiveness.

The act of topically applying vitamins yields a direct and immediate influence on your skin. The effects are often palpable, almost like a swift, refreshing splash of hydration to your skin's parched terrain. Conversely, the consumption of vitamins through oral supplements engenders a more holistic influence, extending beyond the confines of your skin to impact your overall well-being.

The beauty of the oral approach lies in its capacity to nurture and elevate your general state of health over time. It's like sowing seeds of vitality that gradually blossom into radiant skin and improved overall wellness. However, this does not imply that you should completely disregard the merits of topical applications. Indeed, they offer an excellent means to provide your skin with targeted nourishment and rejuvenation.

In essence, it's about striking a harmonious balance between these two approaches. To achieve full-body health and radiant skin, the amalgamation of oral intake and topical applications emerges as the optimal path to pursue.

Now, let's delve into the captivating realm of the top six vitamins that bestow their benevolent effects upon your skincare routine, regardless of whether you choose to apply them lovingly to your skin's surface or incorporate them into your daily oral supplement regimen.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has been a staple in the skincare industry for a long time. It is a group of eight fat-soluble compounds, including four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. It is a moisturizing antioxidant, which protects the skin barrier and enhances skin hydration. Also, it helps guard the skin against sun damage by absorbing harmful UV light from the sun. But if you stay out in the sun for a long time, this vitamin can counteract its effects and lead to blemishes and dried-out skin [1].

Typically, the body produces vitamin E via an oily substance in the skin’s pores, called sebum. In the right balance, this substance helps prevent dryness and keep the skin conditioned. But if you have dry skin, adding more vitamin E helps counteract a lack of sebum.

The recommended daily dose of vitamin E for adults is 15 mg – and most of us do not get enough for real. So, you should increase the intake by adding more almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, and avocados to your diet. In case you want to use this vitamin directly on your skin, you can get capsules of vitamin E, poke it with a pin, and squeeze it directly on your face as a moisturizer.

Vitamin C

We all know that vitamin C is good for immune health, but do you know it also helps improve skin look and health?

The big reason why vitamin C is one of the vitamins good for skin health is it increases collagen production, thereby keeping the skin bouncy and firm. This vitamin also acts as an antioxidant, which neutralizes free radicals to prevent damages caused to skin cells by things such as UV light, cigarette smoke, and air pollution.

What is more, vitamin C helps deal with hyperpigmentation. It stops the action of the enzyme tyrosinase, known as the major enzyme for the transformation of tyrosine into melanin, thereby reducing melanin creation. Topical application of vitamin C can reduce discoloration created by melasma; however, you need to do it with care because it can be ineffective when exposed to sunlight or oxygen.

That’s why ingesting vitamin C works better. Thankfully, you can get vitamin C from many kinds of fruits and veggies, including citrus fruits, broccoli, berries, cherries, and leafy greens. Note that the suggested daily dose of this vitamin is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women [2].

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a vital role not only in structural health but also skin health. Similar to vitamin E, we naturally produce vitamin D from sun exposure. When sunlight is absorbed by the skin, cholesterol will convert to vitamin D and then be transported throughout the body to create healthy cells. Also, this vitamin has antimicrobial properties that can block the negative effects related to acne issues [skin acne, do not miss vitamin D.

Well, should we sit outside to get this vitamin? Absolutely no because long sun exposure might lead to unexpected damages to your skin and health. The ideal amount is about 10 minutes to boost vitamin D production in the skin. And don’t forget to wear sun cream before going outside and avoid going during peak hours. Of course, you can add fortified foods like yogurt, orange juice, cereals, salmon, cod, tuna, and mushrooms to get enough vitamin D per day (15 mcg for adults).

Vitamin K

As a newcomer to the skincare scene, vitamin K comes with many benefits for skin and beauty. It has been found to work as a potent antioxidant. As we know, this substance helps prevent the harmful effects of free radicals to enhance beautiful and healthy skin. Plus, it is involved in cell growth control and tissue renewal that are both necessary to maintain a glowing, softer, and youthful complexion.

The recommended allowance for adults per day is from 90 to 120 mcg [4]. Although deficiencies are unusual, do not forget to add some foods that are rich in this vitamin to your diet, including spinach, kale, green beans, lettuce, and cabbage. In case you want to use it topically, you need to consult your doctor. It is because creams with vitamin K are used on patients who just underwent surgery to help decrease bruising and swelling.

Vitamin B3 & Vitamin B5

Vitamin B3, also known as niacin (which changes from niacinamide), can help you prevent excessive wrinkles, fine lines, and even out your skin complexion. You easily find this vitamin in many beauty products, especially top skin brighteners because it is nominated as one of the vitamins good for skin whitening. 14 to 16 mcg is the suggested daily dose for adults [5]. And you can find this vitamin in corn, nutritional yeast, wild and brown rice, and acorn squash.

Vitamin B5 is quite popular in skincare formulations because it contains pantothenic acid and panthenol. This vitamin helps stop skin water loss and enhance skin barrier functioning [6]. So, if your beauty product has vitamin B5, this is a good bargain. Also, you can get it from foods like chicken, avocado, and whole grains.

Vitamin A

When it comes to keeping the skin healthy, vitamin A is one of the most important vitamins. It helps both upper and lower layers of skin since it works as an antioxidant, can stop the damage from sun exposure, and binds to receptors in the skin cells to support the epidermis [7]. If lacking vitamin A, the skin will be bumpy, itchy, and dry.

Natural sources that contain more vitamin A include dairy products, meat and organ meats, fortified foods, and plant-based foods like tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, and dark leafy greens.

Retinol is also another common form of vitamin A in skincare that can be applied topically to the skin. It stimulates skin cell turnover to create new healthy skin layers and new skin cells to replace the acne. However, it is quite powerful, especially for those with sensitive skin. Hence, the best way is to apply it every other day at the end of your skincare routine before using moisturizer. And remember to apply at night, not in the morning because it makes your skin more vulnerable to sun damage.

We’ve compiled a list of the top 6 vitamins good for skin. Whether they stimulate collagen production, give you glowing skin, or reduce the appearance of acne, they are the best of the best. Ensuring you get enough of them can make a big difference. Or you can consult our beauty supplements if you want to enhance your skin health and beauty from the inside out.


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