How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Quickly?

Acne scars can be a distressing and persistent issue for many individuals, causing considerable concern about their appearance. Fortunately, there exists a multitude of treatments and strategies aimed at effectively reducing or even eliminating these bothersome scars. If you find yourself pondering the question of how to effectively address and alleviate acne scars, this comprehensive article is here to provide you with a wealth of valuable information and solutions.

What are acne scars?

Acne stands out as the prevailing dermatological concern, and alongside it, acne scars emerge as an integral facet of the intricate healing journey. As the chapter of active acne draws to a close, the skin embarks on a reparative odyssey, channeling its resources into the production of collagen to mend the prior damage inflicted. Yet, in this delicate balance of tissue restoration, the outcome can manifest in two contrasting forms. An excessive proliferation of collagen yields a hypertrophic or raised scar, while an insufficient amount results in a concave scar, creating depressions in the skin's surface.

However, the crux of the matter lies in the emotional impact of these acne scars, which, akin to their predecessor, acne, often subject us to feelings of self-consciousness and embarrassment. To navigate this intricate terrain and discover effective remedies and solutions for managing these scars, it is imperative to delve deeper into this topic. So, without further ado, let us embark on an enlightening exploration to uncover valuable insights and guidance.


Why do acne scars occur?

You might wonder why some people have acne scars while others don’t. 

There are many reasons, but genetics is one of the most common ones for scarring. Also, scarring tends to occur more when the skin loses collagen as age comes [1]. Since collagen plays a vital part in the healing process, your skin automatically produces new collagen as it repairs itself after a breakout. But in case it generates little or too much collagen, it will leave a scar, as mentioned above.

In fact, anyone who experiences a breakout can have permanent or temporary scars. But scarring is most common in those suffering from inflammatory acne characterized by cysts and pimples [2].

How to prevent acne scars?

From adopting preventive measures to incorporating daily skincare routines, we've got a comprehensive guide to help you safeguard your skin against acne scars. Let's dive into the details!

Caring your skin first

For a considerable amount of time, many individuals have resorted to using harsh products and treatments in an attempt to prevent acne scars. However, these methods often do more harm than good, causing irritation and exacerbating the condition. It's crucial to pay attention to your skin's needs and sensitivities. If a product triggers a negative reaction, discontinue its use immediately. Instead, opt for gentle skincare products that nourish and soothe your skin, rather than aggravating it.


The next step is to incorporate daily sun protection into your skincare routine. This is essential because UV rays from the sun can stimulate pigment-producing skin cells, exacerbating the appearance of acne scars. Even brief sun exposure can lead to increased melanin production, resulting in further darkening of the scars. Therefore, if you find yourself spending time outdoors, be sure to apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, wear a wide-brimmed hat and protective clothing, and seek out shaded areas to minimize sun exposure.

Exfoliate regularly

While exfoliation alone may not completely eliminate scars, it can be effective in improving the appearance of mild acne scarring. These scars typically reside in the top layer of the skin, and exfoliating can accelerate the process of fading them. By incorporating an exfoliating routine into your skincare regimen, ideally twice a week, you can effectively remove dead skin cells, revealing fresh and softer skin beneath.

There are two options for exfoliation: you can either purchase a facial scrub from the store or create your own using natural ingredients found at home. Let's explore a couple of DIY exfoliation recipes:

Honey, Bentonite Clay, and Jojoba Oil Scrub:

  • Mix together 1 tablespoon of honey, bentonite clay, and add a single drop of jojoba oil.
  • Begin by wetting your skin with warm water, then gently apply this mixture in a circular motion.
  • Afterward, rinse it off using warm water or a wet washcloth.

Baking Soda and Water Scrub:

  • Combine 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of water to create a paste.
  • Apply this paste evenly across your face, focusing on scarred areas, and gently massage it into the skin for approximately 2 minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly with warm water and pat your face dry.

Regular exfoliation can contribute to a more even skin tone and texture over time, particularly for those dealing with mild acne scarring


Try simple home remedies

If you want to get rid of acne scars naturally at home, let’s check out some natural ingredients below.

  • Honey is widely used for many medicinal purposes. Also, it can accelerate wound healing and decrease the potential for scarring because of its antibacterial properties. What is more, it prevents infections that might cause more acne to appear [3]. Use a q-tip and dab raw honey directly on your scarred areas.

  • Aloe vera is a common home remedy. And when it comes to acne, it works as an effective healing process that can reduce inflammation and scar tissue size [4]. It is easy to buy aloe vera products in the drugstore, but the best way is to buy an aloe vera plant and apply the sticky gel directly to your skin.

  • Coconut oil is a magical ingredient to treat any skin condition. It is a combination of vitamin A and vitamin K along with antioxidants that are helpful to treat burns and promote your skin. Apply this oil to your scarred areas and leave it overnight.

  • Rosehip seed oil is widely used for aging and is very safe to apply directly to the skin. Using it twice per day is helpful to reduce acne scars and discoloration [5].

Apply vitamin C

Are you curious about whether vitamin C can effectively diminish acne scars? The affirmative response is a resounding yes.

Vitamin C plays a pivotal role in combatting acne scars by stimulating the production of collagen, a vital protein crucial for maintaining the skin's structural integrity and aiding in the rejuvenation of healthy skin tissue. Consequently, this vitamin has the potential to expedite the healing process of acne lesions.

One excellent natural source of vitamin C is the humble orange. Regular consumption of this fruit can yield remarkable benefits for your skin and overall health, as the citric acid found within oranges not only helps to fade blemishes but also imparts a natural radiance to the complexion. You can create a beneficial topical treatment by mixing one tablespoon of orange peel powder with honey and applying it to the affected areas of your skin. Allow the mixture to remain on your skin for a duration of 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. For optimal results, repeat this regimen on alternate days.

Alternatively, you can harness the power of lemon as a natural bleaching agent to effectively diminish and minimize the appearance of acne scars. Begin by squeezing fresh lemon juice into a small bowl and then using a cotton pad to apply this invigorating juice directly to your acne scars. Let the lemon juice sit on your skin for approximately 10 to 15 minutes before gently rinsing it off with warm water. This simple yet effective remedy can be an integral part of your skincare routine to promote a clearer and smoother complexion over time.

Take retinol skin products

Retinol, also known as vitamin A, plays a pivotal role in a diverse range of skincare products, offering remarkable effectiveness in addressing various skin concerns such as acne scarring, skin discoloration, fine lines, and wrinkles. This powerhouse ingredient achieves these benefits by stimulating collagen production and expediting the turnover of skin cells. As a result, retinol aids in diminishing post-acne hyperpigmentation and the visible signs of existing acne scars.

However, it's essential to be mindful of the sensitivity of retinol to the harmful UV rays of sunlight. To ensure the utmost protection for your skin, it is highly advisable to incorporate retinol into your nighttime skincare routine. This practice not only maximizes its efficacy but also minimizes the risk of potential sun sensitivity that could compromise the health and appearance of your skin

Get laser treatment

Laser therapy presents a viable option for individuals dealing with the challenges of deep scars, offering two distinct modalities: ablative and non-ablative treatments.

Ablative lasers, renowned for their effectiveness, represent a primary choice for addressing acne scarring. These lasers exert their action by vaporizing the scar tissue, thereby achieving a softening effect on the overall appearance of the scar.

Conversely, non-ablative lasers are geared towards skin tightening and the stimulation of fresh collagen production to facilitate the healing of the skin surrounding the scar. It is important to note that this approach is most suitable for mild acne scarring and may not yield the desired results for deeper, more pitted scars.

While laser therapy represents an advanced and promising solution, it is imperative to acknowledge the existence of potential risk factors and associated side effects. To ensure the best course of action for your unique circumstances, it is strongly recommended that you seek the counsel of a qualified dermatologist prior to commencing treatment.


This procedure uses tiny needles to prick the upper layer of skin repeatedly to stimulate the production of new collagen, thereby reducing the appearance of scars. An interesting fact here is the combination of microneedling and vitamin C does not only reduce acne scars but also make your skin smoother and firmer [6]. Results are often seen after about 6 weeks to 3 months.



This method involves the mechanical removal of damaged skin to enhance the process of wound healing, and it has proven to be highly proficient in addressing the issue of acne scars. Dermabrasion employs the use of a high-speed brush or various tools to meticulously eliminate or diminish the outermost layer of the skin, as well as the depth of scars, subsequently reshaping the texture of the skin. The healing process following dermabrasion can span up to a duration of three weeks.

Follow a healthy diet

In reality, adopting a healthy diet and staying adequately hydrated doesn't possess magical properties to instantly erase acne scars. However, these practices play a crucial role in optimizing your body's functions and promoting effective skin healing. For instance, incorporating foods rich in essential vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E can contribute to skin hydration. If you're seeking a supplement packed with beneficial vitamins and nutrients to support your skin's health from the inside out, consider exploring our product lineup, particularly NuBest White.

Moreover, staying well-hydrated by consuming an ample amount of water aids in flushing out toxins from your body, resulting in a firmer and more radiant complexion. Additionally, it's essential to steer clear of high-fat, greasy, and starchy foods, as they can exacerbate scarring and impede the healing process

All in all, it is not an easy task to get rid of acne scars in a single night, but if you try the treatments, remedies, skincare tips listed above, we believe you can get noticeable differences over time.


2 thoughts on “How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Quickly?

emily faye

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September 8, 2024 at 20:29pm
joy nelson
I’m from Salt Lake City, Utah. I have been paying $160 a week for Valtrex and sometimes for Acyclovir, to suppress my Herpes outbreaks as prescribed to me in the hospital. I have considered my yearly subscription costs for these drugs and it is over $4000 a year. Anyone who has herpes can attest this, with all the pains and embarrassing symptoms. Unfortunately, I have found out that those hospital recommended products are frequently not effective at taking care of the problem but rather make you spend all your money. Dr okosun herbal remedy will get to the root of the cause and cure you completely rather than suppress outbreaks with medication. And you will be happier, healthier, and outbreak free. He cured me permanently from herpes of five years within the period of four weeks and can cure you too. drokosun55@gmail .com
April 16, 2024 at 11:36am

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