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Zinc Oxide sau Citrat de Zinc
Îmbunătățește sistemul imunitar
Promovați vindecarea rănilor
Susține funcția imunitară*
Sprijină formarea oaselor și sănătatea
Promote hair growth and scalp health*
Zinc helps boost the immune system and metabolism function and ensures proper sense of taste and smell. It is also important to heal wounds and maintain a healthy scalp.
Vitamina A
Vitamina C
Combined with Magnesium and Calcium, Zinc can help improve bone health, elevate mood, strengthen immunity, and improve sleep quality. Combined with Vitamin A, it also helps support skin, eye, and reproductive health. Combined with Vitamin C can benefit various systems in the body, and give your immune system a joint boost.
Scientifically Proven Benefits
We base our choice of which nutrients to include in our formula on a growing body of research conducted by prestigious organizations. Of the thousands of clinical studies that guide our nutrient selection process, the titles below stand out as highly influential.
Zinc: Un micronutrient esențial
Școala de Medicină a Universității din Boston
Zinc și sistemul imunitar
Școala de Medicină a Universității din Lübeck
Zinc în vindecarea rănilor: aspecte teoretice, experimentale și clinice
Facultatea de Medicină a Imperial College, Marea Britanie
Relația dintre zinc și creșterea și dezvoltarea copiilor mici
Spitalul pentru Femei și Copii din Provincia Hubei
Zinc supplementation increases growth velocity of male children and adolescents with short stature
Dr Sótero del Rio Hospital, Chile
Scalp application of antioxidants improves scalp condition and reduces hair shedding in a 24-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
Department of Dermatology, Cleveland Clinic
There are <a href="https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Zinc" target="_blank">173651</a> studies on ZINC and counting.