Feel free to change your mind
Your satisfaction is our top priority. That’s why we offer you a 30-day money-back guarantee you won’t find anywhere else!
We provide either a one-time free exchange of products or a refund if you have any unpleasant experiences caused by the first bottle of our products purchased from Just let us know within 30 days of delivery for a refund or exchange, and we are happy to help you find a better formula for your needs.
Please email our Customer Service Department at to ask for assistance. We will cover the shipping costs of the replacement item. In case a refund arises instead, the shipping costs of the initial shipment will be excluded from the refund amount.
If you still have unused products with intact safety seals, please follow the instructions provided via email to return the items.
* Repeated refund requests from the same customer are not allowed.
* If the user is taking medication or has been diagnosed with an allergy to any ingredients in our products, please consult medical doctors carefully before purchase.
* This policy doesn’t guarantee the results of the product(s).
* This policy does not apply to products that are damaged by poor storage conditions during use. For items purchased from other retailers outside, customers are recommended to consult the return policy of the original place of purchase.